Which Age of Empires Unit Are You Based on Your Personality?


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Created 7/2/2024



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Which Age of Empires unit are you?

Which Age of Empires unit are you?

1. How do you prefer to approach conflicts in general?

Strategically, planning every move
Head-on with sheer force
Stealthily, avoiding direct confrontation
Using diplomacy and negotiation

2. What's your ideal way to spend a weekend?

Organizing a competitive event
Going on an adventure or hike
Enjoying a quiet reading session at home
Socializing and meeting new people

3. Which of these skills do you value the most?

Tactical knowledge
Physical strength

4. How do you handle stressful situations?

By keeping calm and finding solutions
By facing them head-on with confidence
By avoiding them if possible
By talking it out with others

5. What is your preferred role in a team?

The planner and decision-maker
The doer who gets things done
The observer who provides input as needed
The mediator who keeps the peace

6. What motivates you the most?

Achieving goals
Overcoming challenges
Discovering new things
Building relationships

7. How do you react to unexpected changes?

Adapt quickly and figure out a new plan
Charge forward regardless
Evaluate and find an escape route
Look for common ground and compromise

8. Which of these would be your superpower?

Super intelligence
Super strength

9. How do you prefer to travel?

By car, where I can control the journey
By plane, quickly and efficiently
By foot, exploring every detail
By train, comfortably and socially

10. What kind of book or movie do you enjoy?

Action or thriller
Historical drama
Mystery or suspense
Romantic or comedy

11. How do you view competition?

As a chance to strategize and win
As a battle to be fought with all your might
As something to be outsmarted
As an opportunity for friendly rivalry

12. What's your ideal work environment?

Structured and goal-oriented
Fast-paced and challenging
Flexible and innovative
Collaborative and supportive