Which Bring Me The Horizon Song Matches Your Mood?


Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 8/5/2024



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Are you feeling upbeat or reflective? Heavy or mellow? Discover which Bring Me The Horizon song suits your current vibe with this quiz!

Are you feeling upbeat or reflective? Heavy or mellow? Discover which Bring Me The Horizon song suits your current vibe with this quiz!

1. How are you feeling right now?

Anxious or trapped
Overwhelmed or hopeless
Empowered or ready to rise
Lonely or detached

2. What tempo do you prefer in a song?

Moderate and steady
Slow and brooding
Fast and intense
Dynamic and varied

3. Which lyrical themes do you connect with the most?

Empowerment and resolve
Sadness and melancholy
Emotional depth and introspection
Rebellion and anti-establishment

4. Which Bring Me The Horizon album do you prefer?

That's the Spirit
Post Human: Survival Horror

5. How do you feel about genre mixing in music?

Like it within certain limits
Love it, the more diverse the better
Prefer a consistent style
Prefer subtle blends

6. What do you think about heavy or extreme music?

Not really a fan
Depends on the song
Like it in moderation
Absolutely love it

7. Which instrumentals do you prefer in a song?

A mix of different styles
Orchestral or atmospheric
Electronic and synth elements
Heavy guitar riffs

8. What type of vocal style do you connect with most?

Polished and melodic
Aggressive and intense
Raw and emotional
Dynamic and versatile

9. What is your preferred setting for listening to music?

In a social setting or party
While relaxing or winding down
While working or focusing
During a workout or high-energy activity

10. How important are lyrics to you in music?

I focus more on the music
Not very important
Very important
Somewhat important

11. Which time of day do you listen to music the most?

Late night