What Starcraft 2 Race Should You Play?


Created 6/27/2024



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Find out which Starcraft 2 race suits your style of play!

Find out which Starcraft 2 race suits your style of play!

1. What type of playstyle do you prefer?

Aggressive and fast-paced
Defensive and strategic
Flexible and adaptive
A mix of all three

2. How important is micromanagement to you?

Very important, I love controlling every unit precisely
Moderately important, I enjoy some micro
Not very important, I prefer macro strategies
I want a balance between micro and macro

3. What kind of units do you prefer to control?

Cheap and numerous units
Powerful and expensive units
Versatile and balanced units
A combination depending on the situation

4. Do you enjoy using special abilities and tactics?

Yes, I love using unique abilities
Sometimes, but not all the time
No, I prefer straightforward combat
I like a mix of both special abilities and direct combat

5. How do you prefer to build your army?

Quickly with lots of units
Slowly but with stronger units
Steadily with a balanced approach
I adapt based on the game situation

6. What is your approach to base expansion?

Expand aggressively to gain resources
Expand carefully and defend new bases
Flexible, expand as needed based on the opponent
Mix of aggressive and defensive expansions

7. How do you handle scouting and information gathering?

Constantly, I need to know my opponent's movements
Occasionally, enough to stay aware of big threats
Rarely, I focus more on my own strategy
Balanced, I scout regularly but not obsessively

8. What is your ideal endgame scenario?

Overwhelming my opponent with numbers
Using powerful units to crush the enemy
Outmaneuvering and outsmarting the opponent
A well-balanced force that adapts to the situation

9. How do you react to unexpected strategies from your opponent?

Quickly adapt and counter their moves
Stick to my strategy and adjust slightly
Panic and try to think on the fly
Prepare multiple strategies to handle any situation

10. What is your preferred method of achieving victory?

By surprise attacks and overwhelming force
By creating an invincible army and base
By outsmarting and outmanaging my opponent
By using a combination of tactics and skills