Which Hearthstone Expansion Best Matches Your Play Style?
Created 7/2/2024
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Find out which Hearthstone expansion suits your strategic genius! Are you all about frost and fire, or magic and mayhem? Dive in to discover the expansion that was practically designed for your play style.
1. What type of game mode do you prefer?
Solo Adventures
2. How do you feel about single-player content?
Love it!
It's a nice bonus
I prefer multiplayer
Don't care at all
3. Which game format do you mostly play?
All equally
4. When building a deck, do you prefer:
Aggro - Fast and aggressive
Control - Slow and methodical
Combo - Complex and powerful interactions
Midrange - Balance of speed and power
5. How important are the aesthetics and theme of cards to you?
Very important
Somewhat important
Not very important
Not important at all
6. Do you like exploring new game mechanics introduced in expansions?
Yes, I love new mechanics
Sometimes, if they're interesting
Rarely, I prefer familiar mechanics
No, I stick to what I know
7. How frequently do you play Hearthstone?
Several times a week
Once a week
8. Which kind of story themes appeal to you the most?
Fantasy and Mystical
Science Fiction and Futuristic
Historical and Epic
Dark and Mysterious
9. Do you prefer expansions that refresh old cards or introduce entirely new themes?
Refresh old cards
New themes
Mix of both
No preference
10. How do you feel about purchasing card packs in Hearthstone?