Discover Your Twitter Troll Persona



Created 6/30/2024



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Find out what type of Twitter troll best matches your unique personality and online behavior!

Find out what type of Twitter troll best matches your unique personality and online behavior!

1. How do you usually feel after posting a comment online?

Proud of contributing
Happy to share
Excited to see reactions
Amused by potential chaos

2. What do you enjoy most about social media?

Connecting with friends
Sharing interesting content
Engaging in debates
Watching arguments unfold

3. Which type of tweet are you most likely to retweet?

Feel-good stories
Informative articles
Brave opinions
Savage comebacks

4. How do you typically handle a disagreement online?

Seek common ground
Casually discuss
Firmly state my position
Escalate for fun

5. When encountering a typo in someone else's tweet, you:

Ignore it
Correct it politely
Make a joke about it
Call it out harshly

6. Your online alter ego is best described as:


7. What drives you to comment on trending topics?

To spread awareness
To share my thoughts
To challenge popular opinion
To stir the pot

8. If someone responds negatively to your post, you:

Consider their point
Stay calm and reply
Stand my ground
Double down on my stance

9. If you could use an anonymous account, you would:

Maintain respectful behavior
Share honest opinions
Critique freely
Unleash my inner troll

10. Your reaction to a heated thread is:

Pass by quietly
Read for insights
Add fuel to the discussion
Jump in with controversial takes

11. Why do you enjoy spending time in comment sections?

For learning
For connections
For debates
For entertainment from conflicts

12. How would you describe your sense of humor?

Clever and dry
Bold and daring
Dark and irreverent

13. What's your typical approach to an online argument?

Diffuse and resolve
Discuss rationally
Debate energetically
Stir up more drama

14. When you're bored online, you:

Look for new info
Chat with friends
Find debates to join
Create controversy

15. Receiving criticism for a controversial post makes you:

Reflect on feedback
Defend my thoughts
Engage in a debate
Amused at the reactions