Test Your WoW Knowledge: How Well Do You Know Azeroth?


Created 7/4/2024



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Step into the world of Azeroth and show off your World of Warcraft knowledge! Are you a seasoned adventurer or a newcomer? This quiz will determine which faction, race, or class fits your expertise and preferences.

Step into the world of Azeroth and show off your World of Warcraft knowledge! Are you a seasoned adventurer or a newcomer? This quiz will determine which faction, race, or class fits your expertise and preferences.

1. Which of these events in World of Warcraft fascinates you the most?

The opening of the Dark Portal
The fall of the Lich King
The Cataclysm caused by Deathwing
The discovery of Pandaria

2. Which World of Warcraft character do you find most compelling?

Sylvanas Windrunner
Illidan Stormrage
Jaina Proudmoore

3. Which faction conflict do you find most engaging?

Alliance vs Horde
The Scarlet Crusade war against the Scourge
The War of the Ancients
The battle for Pandaria

4. Which location in Azeroth would you most like to explore?

Stormwind City

5. Which class identity resonates most with you?

The noble Paladin
The mystical Mage
The primal Druid
The cunning Rogue

6. Which race's background story impresses you the most?

Orcs with their history of liberation and honor
Draenei with their long battle against the Burning Legion
Forsaken with their tragic turn from humans to undead
Night Elves with their ancient ties to the Well of Eternity

7. What role do you enjoy the most in World of Warcraft lore?

A shadowy figure working behind the scenes (DPS)
A protector of the innocent (Tank)
A healer of the wounded (Healer)
A versatile fighter who can do a bit of everything (Hybrid)

8. Which major World of Warcraft storyline do you prefer?

The rise and fall of Arthas Menethil
The battle against the Burning Legion
The rebellion of the Pandaren against the Mogu
The internal strife of the Horde and Alliance during Battle for Azeroth

9. Which World of Warcraft zone's ambiance do you enjoy the most?

Elwynn Forest
Grizzly Hills

10. Which type of World of Warcraft questlines do you prefer?

Mystical explorations and uncovering ancient secrets
Survival and exploration in harsh environments
Political intrigue and espionage
Epic battles and large-scale conflicts