Which Elden Ring Character Are You?

Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 7/28/2024



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Are you a valiant warrior, a cunning mage, or a resourceful survivor? Discover which iconic character from Elden Ring matches your personality through this engaging quiz!

Are you a valiant warrior, a cunning mage, or a resourceful survivor? Discover which iconic character from Elden Ring matches your personality through this engaging quiz!

1. How would you describe your combat style?

Precise and agile melee with a mix of ranged attacks.
Heavy melee attacks with devastating power.
Stealth and critical hits from the shadows.
Rapid spellcasting with an ability to adapt quickly.

2. In a battle scenario, what's your strategy?

Stay hidden and wait for the perfect moment to strike.
Support my allies and ensure balance in the battle.
Charge head-on, relying on my strength.
Use spells and distance to my advantage.

3. Which type of weapons do you prefer?

Bows and crossbows for ranged attacks.
Staffs and wands for spellcasting.
Heavy weapons that deal massive damage.
Dexterous weapons that allow for quick strikes.

4. What type of armor do you prefer?

Magical robes enhancing spellcasting abilities.
Light armor for quick movement.
Heavy armor for maximum protection.
Balanced armor with moderate protection and agility.

5. What motivates your journey?

Power and dominance over my enemies.
Collecting knowledge and understanding the mysteries of the world.
Justice and balance in the world.
Survival and becoming stronger with each battle.

6. How do you handle a moral dilemma?

Avoid making a decision and remain neutral.
Choose the path that leads to the most power.
Make a decisive choice for the greater good, even if it's tough.
Seek a balance to benefit the most people.

7. What would you do if faced with a formidable foe?

Wait for the perfect moment to strike from the shadows.
Face them head-on with sheer strength.
Cast potent spells to weaken them from afar.
Use quick, agile movements to outmaneuver them.

8. What's your approach to exploring a new area?

Move cautiously to avoid unnecessary danger.
Quickly scout for key items and move on.
Thoroughly explore every corner and uncover hidden secrets.
Focus on powerful foes and collecting their loot.

9. Which attribute do you value the most in battle?

Intelligence: powerful and effective spellcasting.
Endurance: maintaining stamina to outlast opponents.
Strength: overpowering enemies with brute force.
Dexterity: quick and precise strikes.

10. How do you deal with unexpected threats?

Overwhelm them with sheer power.
Seek to understand and anticipate their moves.
Adapt quickly and use my surroundings to my advantage.
Avoid them if possible, and strike when the odds are better.

11. What role do you see yourself playing in a team?

Leader, making decisive battle strategies.
Lone wolf, preferring to handle things on my own.
Support, providing backup and healing.
Scout, gathering information and striking from the shadows.

12. What is your ideal way to end a conflict?

By overpowering my enemies and ensuring they can't rise again.
By using powerful spells to outsmart and outmaneuver them.
By incapacitating them and finding a peaceful solution.
By using stealth and strategy to avoid direct confrontation.

13. What do you prioritize while leveling up?

Intelligence and Dexterity for versatile attacks.
Endurance and Arcane for resilience and stealth.
Strength and Vigor to handle all enemies.
Faith and Mind for support and spellcasting.