Which Paladins Champion Are You?


Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 7/22/2024



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Ever wondered which Paladins champion matches your playstyle and personality? This quiz will help you discover your perfect champion by analyzing your gameplay preferences and personality traits!

Ever wondered which Paladins champion matches your playstyle and personality? This quiz will help you discover your perfect champion by analyzing your gameplay preferences and personality traits!

1. What type of combat role do you enjoy the most?

I excel at flanking and taking out high-value targets quickly.
I prefer to deal heavy damage from a distance.
I like to stay in the front line, absorbing damage and protecting my team.
I enjoy supporting my teammates by healing and enhancing their abilities.

2. Which map type do you prefer?

Balanced maps with both open spaces and tight corridors.
Close quarters that promote intense, direct combat.
Maps with strategic vantage points and good hiding spots.
Open spaces with lots of room to maneuver.

3. What is your preferred tactical approach?

Defensive, controlling key areas and protecting teammates.
Aggressive and on the frontline.
Supportive, boosting and healing my allies.
Stealthy, ambushing enemies and making quick escapes.

4. How do you prefer your weapon?

Support-focused, aiding teammates.
Heavy and capable of dealing a lot of damage.
Stealthy, favoring close combat.
Long-range with precision.

5. Which personality trait best describes you?

Team player who supports and uplifts others.
Brave and always takes the lead.
Strategic and thinks ahead.
Aggressive and direct in my approach.

6. How do you handle high-pressure situations?

I thrive and perform even better.
I rely on my teammates for support.
I stay calm and make strategic decisions.
I use the chaos to my advantage.

7. What is your ideal role in a team?

Leading the charge.
Dealing damage from a distance.
Supporting from the back.
Taking out key targets sneakily.

8. How do you feel about teamwork?

I prefer to work alone.
Important but I can handle myself.
Essential for victory.
Teamwork can be helpful but not necessary.

9. How do you approach objectives during matches?

I support my team by keeping enemies at bay.
I take out threats stealthily to give my team an advantage.
I always prioritize them and ensure completion.
I engage in combat to clear the path and secure objectives.

10. What's your preferred environment for combat?

Enclosed areas where I can hold my ground.
Areas with plenty of hiding spots for sneaky attacks.
Any environment where I can be strategic.
Wide open spaces where I can maneuver easily.

11. How do you feel about risk-taking in games?

I thrive on high-risk, high-reward scenarios.
I take calculated risks for potential rewards.
My strategy varies depending on the situation.
I prefer to play it safe and ensure steady progress.

12. What kind of abilities do you find most appealing?

Abilities that enhance or protect my team.
Long-range capabilities for strategic positioning.
Powerful attacks that deal massive damage.
Stealth and mobility abilities for surprise attacks.

13. What is your attitude towards the enemy team?

I enjoy catching them off guard and eliminating them quickly.
I focus on supporting my team rather than targeting the enemy.
I see them as obstacles to be destroyed.
I aim to outsmart them with strategy and precision.