Test your Elder Scrolls Online crafting knowledge


Created 6/24/2024



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How Well Do You Know Crafting in Elder Scrolls Online? Test your knowledge and see how many correct answers you can get out of 10!

How Well Do You Know Crafting in Elder Scrolls Online? Test your knowledge and see how many correct answers you can get out of 10!

1. What do Provisioners in ESO need to cook or create drinks?

A crafting station and skill points
Recipes and corresponding ingredients
Specific enchantments
High-level equipment

2. What can smiths do to improve item quality?

Use boosters like tempers, tannins, or resins
Use high-level enchanting runes
Combine multiple low-level items
Use special alchemical potions

3. How do enchanters discover the meanings of runestones?

By buying them from vendors
Through completing specific quests
Through experimentation and research
By combining them with potions

4. What can alchemists discover by sampling an ingredient?

All associated properties
Three main effects
The first property
The crafting level required

5. How many racial styles are there for smiths to learn?


6. What do you need to find secret crafting stations?

A map with marked locations
A special key
Exploring and adventuring
Complete a guild quest

7. What is the main benefit of contracting a hireling in ESO crafting?

They increase your crafting skill
They send a steady supply of useful materials
They give XP bonuses for crafting
They can craft items for you

8. Which crafting disciplines require experimentation to discover traits?

Smithing and Provisioning
Provisioning and Enchanting
Alchemy and Enchanting
Provisioning and Alchemy

9. How do you learn a new trait for an item as a smith?

Deconstruct an item with the trait for research
Complete specific crafting quests
Reach a certain character level
Craft multiple basic items with the trait

10. What must alchemists in ESO experiment with to create powerful potions?

Runestones and potions
Ingredients with specific properties
Rare herbs and plants
Magical artifacts