Master of Music Theory

Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 7/22/2024



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Think you know your way around scales, chords, and rhythms? Test your knowledge of music theory and see if you can earn the title of Music Theory Master!

Think you know your way around scales, chords, and rhythms? Test your knowledge of music theory and see if you can earn the title of Music Theory Master!

1. Identify the type of scale given the notes: C, D, E, F, G, A, B.

Blues scale
Pentatonic scale
Minor scale
Major scale

2. Determine the chord from the given notes: C, E, G.

C Diminished
C Major
C Augmented
C Minor

3. Choose the correct name for the interval between C and G.

Perfect fifth
Major third
Minor sixth
Perfect fourth

4. Identify the musical notation symbol shown: ♩.

Eighth note
Whole note
Half note
Quarter note

5. Select the correct time signature for a piece with four beats per measure, each beat being a quarter note.


6. Identify the chord progression: C - G - Am - F.

IV - vi - ii - V
I - V - vi - IV
ii - V - I - IV
I - vi - IV - V

7. Determine the correct key signature for a major scale with no sharps or flats.

G Major
F Major
D Major
C Major

8. Choose the correct rhythm pattern for 3/4 time signature.

Quarter note, Quarter note, Quarter note
Quarter note, Eighth note, Eighth note, Quarter note
Dotted quarter note, Eighth note, Eighth note
Quarter note, Half note

9. Identify the type of cadence in a musical phrase ending with V - I.

Authentic cadence
Deceptive cadence
Half cadence
Plagal cadence

10. Select the proper harmonic analysis for the passage: V - vi - iii - IV.

Mediant - Subdominant - Dominant - Tonic
Dominant - Submediant - Mediant - Subdominant
Dominant - Tonic - Subdominant - Mediant
Subdominant - Tonic - Mediant - Submediant

11. Recognize the structure of a musical form with sections labeled A B A.

Ternary form
Sonata form
Binary form
Rondo form

12. Identify the non-chord tone in the musical example: C - D - E - G (with C Major chord).