Which Stargate Character Are You?


Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 8/6/2024



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Ever wondered which character from the Stargate universe you resemble the most? This quiz will dive into your traits, decision-making styles, and preferences to reveal the Stargate character you're most like. Embrace your inner explorer!

Ever wondered which character from the Stargate universe you resemble the most? This quiz will dive into your traits, decision-making styles, and preferences to reveal the Stargate character you're most like. Embrace your inner explorer!

1. In a tense negotiation with an alien race, how do you approach the situation?

Take a cautious yet assertive stance to ensure your team's safety.
Find a technological or scientific leverage point.
Use humor and charm to disarm and negotiate.
Use diplomacy to find a mutually beneficial solution.

2. When faced with a complex problem, what is your typical approach?

Think outside the box and try unconventional methods.
Use your intuition and experience to guide you.
Collaborate with others to pool knowledge and insights.
Analyze every detail and make an informed decision.

3. How do you handle being placed in a leadership role?

Lead with authority and clear decision-making.
Use strategic thinking to plan and execute missions.
Lead by example and inspire through action.
Foster teamwork and make decisions collectively.

4. You are exploring a new alien planet. What excites you the most?

Discovering new cultures and histories.
Exploring the unknown and taking risks.
Uncovering advanced technology and scientific phenomena.
Testing your survival and combat skills.

5. In a difficult moral decision, what takes precedence?

The greater good and overall mission success.
Finding a balance through strategic compromise.
The well-being and safety of your team.
Your personal values and sense of honor.

6. How do you handle unexpected failures?

Maintain a stoic approach and strategize for future efforts.
Analyze what went wrong and improve for next time.
Stay optimistic and quickly adapt to new solutions.
Take responsibility and motivate the team to keep moving forward.

7. What's your role in a team under critical circumstances?

Provide the knowledge and scientific expertise needed.
Lead the team with a clear plan and decisive actions.
Handle negotiations and mediate between parties.
Support and defend your teammates.

8. When given a significant amount of free time, what do you enjoy doing?

Spending time with family and friends to relax.
Working on a personal tech or scientific project.
Reading books on history or new scientific theories.
Engaging in physical training or combat practice.

9. You discover an ancient artifact with unknown properties. What do you do?

Study it extensively before drawing conclusions.
Use it to experiment and possibly gain new abilities or knowledge.
Carefully secure it for further analysis.
Immediately report the discovery to your superiors.

10. How do you prefer to gain new knowledge?

Reading and researching thoroughly.
Learning through discussions and collaborations.
Hands-on experimentation and practice.
Immersing yourself in new experiences and environments.

11. Which trait do you value most in yourself?

Intelligence and problem-solving ability.
Leadership and decision-making.
Bravery and self-sacrifice.
Empathy and understanding.

12. What motivates you to keep going in difficult times?

The challenge and thrill of overcoming obstacles.
An insatiable curiosity and love of learning.
A sense of duty and responsibility.
The bonds and friendship of your teammates.

13. How do you usually react to criticism?

Use it as motivation to prove yourself.
Analyze and reflect to improve yourself.
Feel a bit defensive but willing to adapt.
Take it in stride and remain focused on your goals.