Which Cyberpunk 2077 NPC Are You?

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Created 7/15/2024



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Discover which Cyberpunk 2077 NPC you truly align with

Discover which Cyberpunk 2077 NPC you truly align with

1. You find a cutting-edge piece of cyberware in a dark alley. What do you do?

Use it to make a statement through art or activism.
Install it on yourself immediately, the power is worth it.
Report it to the authorities and let them handle it.
Sell it on the black market for a hefty profit.

2. A mega-corporation offers you a lucrative job that compromises your morals. What do you do?

Take the job for the financial security it offers.
Accept the job but work to sabotage the corporation from within.
Turn down the job and continue pursuing your current livelihood.
Refuse the job and join a resistance movement.

3. How do you typically handle conflicts in the chaotic world of Night City?

With brute force and military precision.
By hacking systems to gain the upper hand.
Using social influence and persuasion.
Through calculated manipulation and espionage.

4. What’s your view on cybernetic enhancements and their impact on society?

They are crucial for survival and advancement.
They are a necessary evil to keep up with the world.
They should be accessible to all, not just the elite.
They pose significant ethical and moral dilemmas.

5. You come across an injured person in the alley. They plead for help but are marked as a wanted criminal. What do you do?

Help them and hide them from the authorities.
Provide basic aid but report their whereabouts to the law.
Ignore them and continue with your day.
Turn them in for a reward.

6. What motivates your actions in the dystopian world of Night City?

Helping those in need.
Personal freedom and independence.
Money and power.
Fame and recognition.

7. You discover a secret that could topple a corrupt organization but at great personal risk. What do you do?

Keep the secret to yourself and avoid any conflict.
Use the information to manipulate and gain favors.
Sell the information to the highest bidder.
Expose the secret despite the consequences.

8. How do you feel about working with a team?

I prefer working alone to have full control.
I prefer to lead teams to ensure success.
I thrive in a team and enjoy partnering with others.
I work with a team only when necessary.

9. A friend is in deep debt to a dangerous gang. What is your approach?

Advise them to run and start over somewhere else.
Confront the gang and negotiate their freedom.
Hack into the gang's accounts and erase the debt.
Help them pay off the debt quietly.

10. What is your ideal place within Night City?

Atop a skyscraper with a view of the city.
In the chaotic streets among the people.
Leading a movement in a secret hideout.
In a hidden underground workshop.