Discover which anime character you would be based on your personality and preferences. Take this quiz to find out which iconic anime character you most closely resemble!
1. What is your preferred way of handling a crisis?
Stay calm and analyze the situation
Leap into action and deal with it head-on
Seek help from friends and work together
Stay back and think of a strategic plan
2. Which activity would you most enjoy?
Reading a book
Exploring new places
Cooking a meal
Practicing martial arts
3. How do you generally make decisions?
Logic and analysis
Impulsively based on gut feelings
Considering the emotions of others
Strategically with long-term goals in mind
4. Which of these quotes resonates with you the most?
'You can’t judge how beautiful a girl really is by the way she looks.'
'If we had all the answers, wouldn’t the world start to lose its meaning?'
'It doesn’t matter how righteous our feelings are.'
'Death is nothing, but to live defeated and inglorious is to die daily.'
5. What role do you often take in a group setting?