What Genre of Book Should You Write?


Created 6/25/2024



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Discover the perfect genre for your writing talents! Take this quiz to find out which genre best suits your creative style and personality.

Discover the perfect genre for your writing talents! Take this quiz to find out which genre best suits your creative style and personality.

1. What kind of setting inspires you the most?

A bustling cityscape
A sprawling fantasy kingdom
A small, rural town
A futuristic space station

2. What is your preferred narrative style?

First-person perspective
Third-person omniscient
Epistolary (written as letters or diary entries)
Multiple perspectives

3. What type of characters do you enjoy writing about?

Heroic adventurers
Everyday people in extraordinary situations
Introspective and complex individuals
Witty and humorous personalities

4. Which theme resonates with you most?

The struggle between good and evil
Personal growth and self-discovery
Societal change and justice
Love and relationships

5. What pace do you envision for your story?

Fast-paced with lots of action
Steady and unfolding gradually
Slow and contemplative
Lively and full of humor

6. What kind of conflict drives your story?

Man vs. Nature
Man vs. Society
Man vs. Self
Man vs. Technology

7. What tone do you want your book to have?

Dark and brooding
Light and whimsical
Serious and thought-provoking
Exciting and adventurous

8. Which narrative structure appeals to you?

Linear progression
Non-linear with flashbacks
Multiple storylines converging
Circular narrative

9. What kind of ending do you prefer for your story?

Happy and uplifting
Bittersweet but satisfying
Ambiguous and open-ended
Surprising with a twist

10. Who is your ideal target audience?

Young adults and teenagers
Adults with a love for complex themes
General public seeking entertainment
Specific niche groups with particular interests