Which Professional Road Cyclist Are You?

Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 8/1/2024



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Ever wondered which professional cyclist your riding style matches with? Take this quiz to find out! Based on your cycling preferences, training routines, and race strategies, we'll determine which top cyclist you resemble most.

Ever wondered which professional cyclist your riding style matches with? Take this quiz to find out! Based on your cycling preferences, training routines, and race strategies, we'll determine which top cyclist you resemble most.

1. Which type of terrain do you prefer to ride on?

Cobblestone classics
Flat roads ideal for sprints
High mountains with steep climbs
Mixed terrain with rolling hills

2. How do you typically structure your training sessions?

High-intensity interval training for power
A mix of both endurance and interval training
Rides that include technical skills and handling
Long, endurance rides to build stamina

3. What is your preferred racing strategy?

Breakaways and attacking early
Attacking on technical sections
Riding with the peloton until the crucial moment
Conserving energy for a strong finish

4. Which describes your overall approach to cycling?

Adventurous and seeking challenges
Laid-back and enjoying the ride
Highly competitive and focus-driven
Balanced between competition and enjoyment

5. How do you handle your nutrition during races?

Flexible with meals based on feel
High-carb diet focused on energy provision
Balanced diet with occasional indulgences
Strict and scientifically monitored diet

6. What is your mental approach on race day?

Excited and full of adrenaline
Methodical and strategic
Calm and composed, taking it as it comes
Highly focused and in the zone

7. How do you handle setbacks during a race?

Maintain composure and stick to the plan
Adapt quickly and change strategy
Take it easy and refocus gradually
Use adversity as motivation

8. What is your preferred type of race?

One-day classics
Stage races
Grand Tours

9. Which best describes your climbing style?

Explosive and short bursts
Aggressive and attacking
Steady and consistent
Slowly gaining momentum

10. How do you handle a high-speed sprint finish?

Lead-out and then sprint
I don't focus on sprints
Follow wheels until the last moment
Launching from the back

11. When approaching a steep descent, what is your strategy?

Full speed, taking risks
Controlled but fast
Balanced with strategic speed
Cautious and careful

12. How do you prefer to celebrate a win?

Big, noticeable gestures
Dedicated to someone special
Sharing the moment with the team
Modest and low-key celebration

13. What do you do immediately after a race?

Reflect and analyze the race
Focus on recovery and nutrition
Engage with fans and media
Celebrate with the team