Can You Match the Renata Glasc Quote to the Movie?


Created 6/23/2024



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Test your knowledge of Renata Glasc quotes and see if you can match them to the movies they came from! Can you get a perfect score of 10?

Test your knowledge of Renata Glasc quotes and see if you can match them to the movies they came from! Can you get a perfect score of 10?

1. Which movie features Renata Glasc saying: 'The difference between medicine and poison is the dosage'?

Breaking Bad
The Princess Bride
Sherlock Holmes
The Matrix

2. In which film does Renata Glasc declare: 'Everyone has a price'?

Wall Street
The Godfather
Fight Club
Pulp Fiction

3. From what movie is the quote: 'Fear is good. Use it.' by Renata Glasc?

The Dark Knight
The Wolf of Wall Street
The Shining

4. Which movie has Renata Glasc saying: 'I care about results'?

Top Gun
A Beautiful Mind

5. Where does Renata Glasc make this statement: 'Loyalty is earned, and I've earned it'?

Harry Potter
John Wick
Mad Max: Fury Road

6. Which movie has the quote: 'Innovation is the best revenge' from Renata Glasc?

The Social Network
Iron Man
Steve Jobs
The Imitation Game

7. In which film does Renata Glasc state: 'Progress is a bitter pill to swallow'?

The Big Short

8. From what movie is Renata Glasc's line: 'Profit is the only motivation'?

The Wolf of Wall Street
Boiler Room
There Will Be Blood

9. In which movie does Renata Glasc say: 'I built this company; it's mine'?

The Founder
The Social Network
The Pursuit of Happyness

10. Which movie features the quote: 'I don't need your love, just your loyalty' from Renata Glasc?

The Devil Wears Prada
House of Cards
American Gangster