Which Classic Battlefront Unit Are You?

Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 7/12/2024



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Dive into the nostalgic yet timeless universe of Star Wars: Battlefront. Ever wondered which classic unit you would embody? Take this quiz to discover the unit that best suits your playstyle and personality.

Dive into the nostalgic yet timeless universe of Star Wars: Battlefront. Ever wondered which classic unit you would embody? Take this quiz to discover the unit that best suits your playstyle and personality.

1. How do you approach a problem in real life?

I analyze and devise a detailed plan before taking any action.
I look for the most efficient and logical solution.
I rely on teamwork and seek opinions from others.
I dive straight in and adapt on the fly.

2. Which Star Wars battle strategy do you prefer?

Coordinating and directing troop movements.
Ambushing enemies from unexpected positions.
Providing support from a distance.
Leading the charge on the front lines.

3. What motivates you the most?

Efficiency and achieving my objectives.
Defending my allies and bringing justice.
Loyalty and duty to a higher cause.
Strategy and overcoming challenges.

4. Which environment do you thrive in?

In the cockpit of a spacecraft.
Infiltrating enemy territory discreetly.
Remote and rugged landscapes.
A bustling city with constant action.

5. How do you handle pressure during a mission?

Adapt quickly and find new solutions.
Draw strength from my teammates.
Remain calm and focused, no matter what.
Rely on my training and instincts.

6. Which Star Wars character do you admire the most?

Mace Windu
Luke Skywalker
Darth Vader
Count Dooku

7. What role do you prefer in a team?

Marksman providing cover fire.
Leader and coordinator.
Front-line fighter.
Scout and reconnaissance.

8. What is your strategy for resource management in a game?

Focus on the most critical needs first.
Ensure fair distribution among team members.
Maximize efficiency with every resource.
Adapt strategy based on current situation.

9. Which vehicle do you prefer to control on the battlefield?

A powerful ground tank.
A versatile gunship.
A highly maneuverable speeder.
I prefer the strategy from on-foot combat.

10. How do you feel about following orders?

I follow them strictly and without question.
I prefer autonomy and making my own decisions.
I follow them if they make sense to me.
I follow them but can adapt as needed.