Which Baldur's Gate 3 Character Are You?

Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 8/1/2024



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Dive into the world of Baldur's Gate 3 and discover which character best matches your personality! Whether you’re a fierce warrior, a cunning rogue, or a powerful mage, this quiz will help you find your in-game alter ego based on your combat style, moral choices, and favorite fantasy archetypes.

Dive into the world of Baldur's Gate 3 and discover which character best matches your personality! Whether you’re a fierce warrior, a cunning rogue, or a powerful mage, this quiz will help you find your in-game alter ego based on your combat style, moral choices, and favorite fantasy archetypes.

1. In a heated battle, you see an enemy charging toward you. What's your immediate reaction?

Call upon your divine powers to protect yourself and others.
Strategize and cast a powerful spell to stop them in their tracks.
Engage them in close combat with my weapon of choice.
Use evasive maneuvers and look for an opportunity to counterattack.

2. A merchant offers you a rare artifact at a suspiciously low price. What do you do?

Bargain further, ensuring you get the best possible deal.
Buy it immediately, thinking about potential advantages in combat.
Consult with others before making any decisions.
Refuse and walk away, this deal is too good to be true.

3. You discover a secret passage in a dungeon. What's your next move?

Enter cautiously, prepared for any traps or dangers.
Rush in excitedly, ready for whatever comes next.
Use your magical abilities to scout ahead.
Stay back and urge the group to explore it together.

4. You must choose an artifact to aid you in battle. Which do you pick?

A protective amulet that shields you from harm.
A magical staff that enhances your spells.
A ring that grants you enhanced strategic abilities.
An enchanted sword that strikes with blinding speed.

5. You encounter a morally grey situation where you must decide the fate of a villain. What do you do?

Show mercy and try to rehabilitate them.
Deliver them to the authorities and let them decide.
Execute them to prevent further harm.
Interrogate them to gather information before making a decision.

6. Which type of magic appeals most to you?

Destruction magic that can devastate your enemies.
Nature magic to control the elements and animals.
Illusion magic to deceive and outsmart opponents.
Healing and protective magic to aid your allies.

7. How do you prefer to plan for a mission?

Meticulously plan every detail.
Rely on intuition and gut feelings.
Involve the entire team in the planning process.
Leave room for improvisation and adaptability.

8. You come across an injured enemy left behind by their comrades. What do you do?

Deliver a merciful killing blow.
Interrogate them for useful information.
Help them, regardless of their past actions.
Leave them and move on.

9. What role do you prefer in a group setting?

Leader and decision-maker.
Scout and tracker.
Support and healer.
Frontline warrior.

10. You find a powerful artifact that could change the tide of battle. What do you do?

Store it securely until the right moment.
Share it with your team to decide its use.
Study it carefully to understand its properties.
Use it immediately to gain an advantage.

11. A powerful enemy offers to join your ranks in exchange for freedom. What do you do?

Monitor them closely and test their loyalty.
Accept their offer, believing in potential for redemption.
Imprison them and extract useful information.
Reject them, not trusting their motives.

12. What's your weapon of choice in a battle?

A bow or crossbow for ranged attacks.
A shield and healing tools.
A mighty sword or axe.
A powerful spell or staff.

13. You find yourself in the middle of a political intrigue. How do you proceed?

Align with the morally just side.
Manipulate the situation to your advantage.
Stay neutral and gather information.
Avoid getting involved and focus on your own goals.