Which Lorde Song Matches Your Mood?


Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 8/4/2024



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Lorde's music speaks to a wide range of emotions, activities, and experiences. This quiz will dive into how you're feeling, what you're up to, and your music preferences to recommend the perfect Lorde song for your life right now.

Lorde's music speaks to a wide range of emotions, activities, and experiences. This quiz will dive into how you're feeling, what you're up to, and your music preferences to recommend the perfect Lorde song for your life right now.

1. How would you describe your current mood?

Carefree and vibrant.
Ready for a new beginning.
Feeling disconnected and seeking inner peace.
Nostalgic and introspective.

2. What have you been up to recently?

Out with friends, enjoying social activities.
Experiencing significant changes.
Spending time alone, reflecting.
Exploring new places, feeling adventurous.

3. What's your preferred music genre?

Alternative/Indie Pop.

4. Which lyrical theme resonates with you most?

Escapism and dreamlike experiences.
Themes of rebellion and authenticity.
Exploration of personal identity and vulnerability.
Celebrating fun and high spirits.

5. What tempo and energy level do you prefer in a song right now?

Dynamic changes in tempo and mood.
Slow and contemplative.
Fast and energetic.
Moderate and laid-back.

6. How do you typically handle emotional highs and lows?

Escaping to new environments or activities.
Seeking out social support and shared experiences.
Indulging in introspection and solitude.
Reinventing yourself and embracing change.

7. Which scenario best describes your current life stage?

Enjoying a period of stability and contentment.
Navigating a major shift or transition.
Feeling nostalgic about past experiences.
Experiencing youthful exploration and self-discovery.

8. How do you like your music to interact with your environment?

As a soothing background presence.
As a reflective and emotional companion.
As a vibrant and energizing force.
As an escapist, immersive experience.

9. What kind of vocal performance do you enjoy the most?

Soft and soothing.
Ethereal and nostalgic.
Raw and honest.
Powerful and emotive.

10. How important are the instrumental layers in a song for you?

A stripped-back, minimal approach.
The more intricate and layered, the better.
A dynamic mix playing with different layers.
A balance of simplicity and complexity.

11. Which type of narrative do you find the most compelling in a song?

A story of personal evolution and growth.
A celebration of fun, life and authenticity.
A dreamy and mystical journey.
A candid, emotional confession.

12. What role does music play in your daily routine?

Background ambiance while working or relaxing.
Boosting energy and motivation.
Accompaniment for relaxation and escapism.
Emotional support and introspection.

13. How would you describe your ideal musical experience?

Energetic and lively.
Raw and instrumental.
Reflective and nostalgic.
Ethereal and immersive.