Which Nelk Boy Are You?

Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 7/10/2024



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Have you ever wondered which member of the Nelk Boys suits your personality the best? Answer these questions to find out which Nelk Boy you are!

Have you ever wondered which member of the Nelk Boys suits your personality the best? Answer these questions to find out which Nelk Boy you are!

1. What's your ideal way to spend a Friday night?

Chilling with a close-knit group, enjoying some beers.
Hosting a huge party with lots of friends and fans.
Planning an elaborate prank to pull off at a social event.
Traveling to a new city to explore the nightlife.

2. What's your favorite type of prank to pull?

Public stunts that get a big reaction.
Elaborate pranks that require detailed planning.
Pranking friends in a more intimate setting.
Quick, spontaneous pranks that can be done anywhere.

3. How do you approach social media?

Using it mainly for fun and spontaneous moments.
Using it to share major updates and exclusive content.
Constantly posting to stay connected with fans.
Focusing on posting high-quality, well-planned content.

4. What’s the most appealing part of being famous?

Having a platform to be creative and entertain.
The opportunities for business ventures and collaborations.
Traveling and experiencing new cultures and places.
The recognition and constant interaction with fans.

5. How would your friends describe you?

The mastermind behind all the crazy ideas.
The life of the party and always up for a good time.
Adventurous and always looking for the next thrill.
Loyal and dependable, always there for your friends.

6. What's your go-to hobby outside of creating content?

Traveling and trying new experiences.
Hitting the gym and staying fit.
Playing video games or watching sports.
Working on new business ideas and ventures.

7. How do you prefer to travel?

Luxury travel experiences and staying in fancy hotels.
Spontaneous trips decided last minute.
Private jet for convenience and style.
Road trips with friends for the adventure.

8. What’s your reaction to a new prank idea?

Making sure it’s something entirely unique.
Instant excitement and planning phase.
Looking at the logistics and feasibility first.
Thinking about the potential for viral success.

9. What role do you play in a group setting?

The easy-going one who goes with the flow.
The funny one who keeps everyone entertained.
The smart planner who organizes everything.
The leader who makes the final decisions.

10. How do you handle setbacks or controversies?

Keeping a low profile until things blow over.
Using humor to deflect and move on.
Facing them head-on and addressing them publicly.
Learning from them and improving for the future.