The Ultimate Advanced Haskell Quiz


Created 6/20/2024



Q & A

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Challenge your functional programming skills with this advanced Haskell quiz! Test how many correct answers you can get out of 15.

Challenge your functional programming skills with this advanced Haskell quiz! Test how many correct answers you can get out of 15.

1. Which tutorial is considered the best for understanding monads?

Monads for Dummies
Learn You a Haskell for Great Good!
You could have invented monads
Programming in Haskell

2. What is a common misconception about monad tutorials?

They are easy to understand
They are all high quality
They are difficult and misleading
They are not relevant

3. Which parser combinator library is mentioned as implementing advanced laziness?


4. What concept does understanding free monads improve significantly?

Recursion schemes
Haskell IO
Functor-Oriented Programming
Type classes

5. Who wrote the tutorial on free monads mentioned in the post?

Gabriella Gonzalez
Dan Piponi
Mario Blazevic
Twan van Laarhoven

6. According to the post, what tends to confuse former Python or Perl users?

Haskell's syntax
Haskell's regex libraries
Haskell's type system
Haskell's concurrency model

7. What advanced Haskell feature is closely tied to type safety in algorithm design?


8. What does the tutorial "Monadic Parsing in Haskell" by Hutton and Meijer focus on?

Online parser combinators
Free monads
Backtracking parsers
Church encoding

9. Which style of programming in Haskell is mentioned for its use of advanced features?

Object-Oriented Programming
Imperative Programming
Functor-Oriented Programming
Aspect-Oriented Programming

10. Which Haskell library is recommended to understand the original presentation of lenses?


11. What pattern is frequently used in high-performance Haskell libraries for efficiency?

Monadic parsing
Coroutine Pipelines
Church encoding
Generalized algebraic data types (GADTs)

12. Which Haskell documentation style problem was highlighted in the post?

Too many books available
Scattered resources
Overwhelming academic complexity
Poor online tutorials

13. What makes Haskell's parser combinator libraries preferable over its regex libraries?

Better documentation
More advanced features
Higher performance
Widely accepted by the community

14. Which Haskell feature is compared to lenses in the post?

Recursion schemes
Type classes
Church encodings
Functor-Oriented Programming

15. Which advanced feature of Haskell is suggested as an area without ample tutorials?

Handles with pipes
Generalized algebraic data types (GADTs)
Monad Transformers
Functor-Oriented Programming

16. Which chapter of the GHC user's guide is recommended for exploring advanced features?

Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 9