Are You a True Conservative?


Created 7/3/2024



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Ever wondered how conservative you really are? Take this quiz to find out where you stand on the conservative spectrum!

Ever wondered how conservative you really are? Take this quiz to find out where you stand on the conservative spectrum!

1. What is your stance on government intervention in the economy?

The government should have a minimal role in the economy.
The government should have a moderate role to ensure fair practices.
The government should actively regulate and manage the economy.
I believe in a mixed approach depending on the situation.

2. How do you feel about the importance of traditional family structures?

Traditional family structures are essential and should be promoted.
Traditional structures are important but need to evolve with modern values.
Family structures should be diverse and inclusive.
Family structures are a personal choice and not a societal concern.

3. What are your views on same-sex marriage?

Same-sex marriage should not be legally recognized.
Civil unions are acceptable, but not marriage.
Same-sex marriage should have the same legal status as heterosexual marriage.
I have no strong opinion on the matter.

4. How should educational content in public schools be determined?

Curriculum should be strictly controlled by the state.
Schools should have some autonomy but follow state standards.
Parents and local communities should have significant input.
Educational content should be determined by educational experts without state interference.

5. What is your stance on immigration policy?

Immigration should be strictly limited.
Immigration should be moderated with strict enforcement of laws.
Immigration policies should be more welcoming and inclusive.
Immigration should be open with minimal restrictions.

6. How do you view the role of military in national policy?

A strong military presence is crucial for national security.
The military should be strong but used cautiously.
The military should be significantly reduced.
Military intervention should be minimized in favor of diplomatic solutions.

7. How should tax policies be structured?

Taxation should be lower to promote economic growth.
Taxes should be moderate and focus on fairness.
Taxes should be higher for wealthy individuals and corporations.
Tax policies should balance economic growth and social equity.

8. How important is the preservation of cultural heritage and national identity?

Preserving cultural heritage and national identity is very important.
Cultural heritage is important but should evolve.
National identity should be inclusive and adaptable.
Cultural heritage should not be a major focus of national policy.

9. What is your opinion on healthcare?

Healthcare should be privatized with minimal government intervention.
A mixed healthcare system with both public and private options is best.
Universal healthcare is a right and should be provided by the government.
Healthcare systems should be based on the community’s needs.

10. How should laws regarding drug use and possession be handled?

Strict laws prohibiting drug use should be maintained.
Laws should be strict but offer rehabilitative options.
Drug use should be decriminalized and treated as a health issue.
All drug prohibitions should be lifted with a focus on regulation and education.