Discover Your Lo-Fi HipHop Subgenre

Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 7/22/2024



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Are you into the chill vibes of Lo-Fi HipHop? Take this quiz to find out which subgenre or style of Lo-Fi HipHop suits your tastes and listening habits the best!

Are you into the chill vibes of Lo-Fi HipHop? Take this quiz to find out which subgenre or style of Lo-Fi HipHop suits your tastes and listening habits the best!

1. What type of music tempo do you generally prefer?

Fast and energizing
Mid-tempo and relaxed
Slow and steady
A bit faster but still chilled

2. Which background ambiance do you find most appealing while listening to music?

Nature sounds like rain or ocean waves
Vintage sounds like vinyl crackle and tape hiss
City sounds like traffic and chatter
Futuristic or synthetic sounds

3. How do you emotionally connect with your music?

Nostalgic feels
Deep introspection or melancholy
Cheerful and uplifting
Feeling of calm and relaxation

4. Do you prefer instrumental or vocal elements in your music?

Mostly instrumental
A mix of instrumental and vocal samples
Predominantly vocal
Vocal samples with occasional singing/rapping

5. Which instrument do you have a preference for in your music?

Piano or keyboard
Soft percussion/drums
Electric guitar

6. What’s your favorite activity while listening to music?

Casual background music while doing chores
Studying or working
Relaxing or winding down
Creative activities (drawing, writing, etc.)

7. Which era's music do you find most appealing?

Mix of eras
80s & 90s
Modern, contemporary sounds

8. What time of day do you most often listen to music?


9. Which mood do you usually seek in music?

Reflective and introspective
Calm and peaceful
Happy and energetic

10. How do you engage with the music era’s aesthetic or culture?

Blending old and new
Deeply nostalgic, embracing past culture
Futuristic and forward-thinking
Modern and evolving