Which Attack on Titan Character Are You?

Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 7/24/2024



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Are you brave like Eren, intelligent like Armin, or cool-headed like Mikasa? Find out which Attack on Titan character you most resemble with this personality quiz!

Are you brave like Eren, intelligent like Armin, or cool-headed like Mikasa? Find out which Attack on Titan character you most resemble with this personality quiz!

1. How do you typically react under extreme pressure?

I excel in these situations, maintaining strict discipline.
I remain calm and think things through logically.
I charge forward, driven by my desires and emotions.
I stick to the plan and support my team, protecting those I care about.

2. When faced with a moral dilemma, what is your approach?

I rely on my principles and sense of justice.
I weigh the options and choose the most logical outcome.
I protect those I care about, no matter the consequences.
I focus on the greater good, even if it means tough decisions.

3. What kind of leadership style do you prefer?

I lead by example, showing courage on the front lines.
I strategize and make plans, allowing others to execute.
I run my team efficiently, expecting the best from everyone.
I inspire through passion and enthusiasm.

4. What role do you prefer in a combat situation?

Frontline fighter, taking the battle head-on.
Support, ensuring the team function together.
Specialist, using unique skills to turn the tide.
Strategist, planning tactics from behind the scenes.

5. How do you view loyalty?

I value my own goals and needs higher.
It's everything. I would do anything for my friends.
Loyalty is important, but values and duty come first.
Loyalty to my team is important; I support them in practical ways.

6. Which best describes your sense of duty?

Duty is important, but so is personal happiness.
My duty drives every action I take.
I balance duty with compassion.
Duty and sacrifice for the greater good.

7. What inspires you the most?

Duty and responsibility.
Personal growth and overcoming obstacles.
A desire for freedom and justice.
Innovation and discovery.

8. Do you often act on impulse?

Yes, I act on my emotions and instincts.
Mostly no, I prefer thinking things through.
Sometimes, it depends on the situation.
I rarely act on impulse unless absolutely necessary.

9. What kind of relationship do you have with your friends?

We are very close, like family.
They are important, but I maintain my individuality.
Trust is key, even when we are not always together.
Friends are allies in achieving mutual goals.

10. How do you handle betrayal?

I feel hurt but move on quickly.
I try to understand the reason behind the betrayal.
I feel deep anger and seek retaliation.
I accept it as part of life, focusing on my duty.

11. How would you describe your fighting style?

Defensive and strategic.
Versatile and adaptable.
Aggressive and relentless.
Precise and calculated.

12. How do you deal with loss and grief?

I reflect deeply and seek understanding.
I channel my grief into determination to ensure it doesn't happen again.
I maintain a strong exterior and continue my duties.
I rely on the support of friends and family.

13. What is your approach to solving problems?

I analyze the situation and find a strategic solution.
I come up with innovative and unconventional solutions.
I confront problems head-on and solve them quickly.
I support the team to come up with collective solutions.