Which Hunter x Hunter Character Are You?

Gensen Huang
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Gensen Huang

Created 6/30/2024



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Ever wondered which Hunter x Hunter character you are most like? Take this quiz to find out and categorize yourself into one of the unforgettable characters from this epic anime series!

Ever wondered which Hunter x Hunter character you are most like? Take this quiz to find out and categorize yourself into one of the unforgettable characters from this epic anime series!

1. What's your ideal way to spend a free day?

Training and getting stronger
Planning my next big move
Helping others in need
Relaxing with family and friends

2. How do you handle conflict?

Face it head-on with courage
Strategize and outthink the opponent
Seek to understand and resolve peacefully
Use any means necessary to win

3. What's your greatest strength?

Physical power
Strategic mind

4. What motivates you the most?

Finding my purpose
Loyalty to friends
Curiosity and adventure

5. How do you view friendship?

A source of strength
A vehicle for achieving goals
Sacred and worth protecting
Something to be used strategically

6. Which environment suits you best?

A bustling city
The wilderness
A quiet village
A hidden hideout

7. What role do you often take in a group?

Lone wolf

8. What do you fear the most?

Losing loved ones
Being forgotten

9. Which weapon resonates with you?

A sword or physical weapon
My mind
Healing tools
Trickery tools

10. What kind of legacy do you want to leave?

A hero
A mastermind
A healer of great renown
A legend cloaked in mystery

11. How do you react under pressure?

Stay calm and composed
Become even more focused
Rely on the support of friends
Thrive and adapt

12. What’s your ultimate life goal?

Achieving personal strength
Fulfilling a long-term plan
Saving or helping others
Living freely, without constraints