Put your World of Warcraft knowledge to the test and determine who said these iconic quotes in the WoW universe! Can you score a perfect 10?
1. Who said: 'I am Deathwing, the Destroyer, the end of all things! Inevitable. Indomitable. I am the Cataclysm!'
Illidan Stormrage
Arthas Menethil
2. Who said: 'You are not prepared!'
Sylvanas Windrunner
Garrosh Hellscream
Illidan Stormrage
Varok Saurfang
3. Who said: 'Did you think we had forgotten? Did you think we had forgiven? Behold, now, the terrible vengeance of the Forsaken.'
Arthas Menethil
Grand Apothecary Putress
Terenas Menethil II
Taran Zhu
4. Who said: 'My son, the day you were born, the very forests of Lordaeron whispered the name Arthas.'
Uther the Lightbringer
Tirion Fordring
Terenas Menethil II
Anduin Wrynn
5. Who said: 'Your father dabbled in powers beyond reckoning. Where is he now?'
Jaina Proudmoore
Taran Zhu
6. Who said: 'By fire, be purged!'
Kael'thas Sunstrider
Al'Akir the Windlord
Lich King
Ragnaros the Firelord
7. Who said: 'Times change.'
Garrosh Hellscream
Varian Wrynn
Sylvanas Windrunner
8. Who said: 'Now I stand, the lion before the lambs… And they do not fear. They cannot fear.'
Arthas Menethil
Illidan Stormrage
9. Who said: 'You cannot kill hope.'
Varok Saurfang
Sylvanas Windrunner
Anduin Wrynn
10. Who said: 'For the Horde!'
Garrosh Hellscream
Sylvanas Windrunner
All of the above