Which Starfield Character Are You?

Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 7/24/2024



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Dive into the universe of Starfield and discover which character mirrors your adventures and choices in the game. Are you a daring explorer, a cunning strategist, or something else entirely?

Dive into the universe of Starfield and discover which character mirrors your adventures and choices in the game. Are you a daring explorer, a cunning strategist, or something else entirely?

1. When given the choice of a ship upgrade, which would you prioritize?

Enhanced engines for faster travel and exploration.
Advanced weapon systems for better combat efficiency.
Advanced communication systems for better diplomatic interactions.
Improved cargo holds to carry more resources and trade goods.

2. You come across a heavily fortified enemy outpost. What do you do?

Find a way to bypass the outpost undetected.
Attempt to negotiate a peaceful resolution.
Use stealth to gather intel and avoid confrontation.
Plan a tactical assault to take down the enemy.

3. What is your favorite aspect of space exploration?

Engaging in space combat and battles.
Discovering new planets and unknown regions.
Trading and bartering with various factions.
Solving complex puzzles and challenges.

4. How do you handle conflicts within your crew?

Mediate and find a compromise for all parties.
Delegate the problem to someone else.
Take charge and resolve issues with authority.
Avoid conflict and hope it resolves on its own.

5. You find an alien artifact with unknown properties. What do you do?

Use it to gain an advantage, regardless of the risk.
Study it to uncover its secrets.
Sell it to the highest bidder.
Hand it over to experts for analysis.

6. What motivates you to continue your journey in Starfield?

Fulfilling your duty and responsibilities.
Gaining knowledge and wisdom.
Accumulating wealth and resources.
The thrill of adventure and discovery.

7. Which of these skills would you like to master?

Combat and Weapon Systems
Starship Engineering
Advanced Robotics
Diplomacy and Negotiation

8. You encounter a dispute between two major factions. How do you approach it?

Ignore the dispute unless it directly affects you.
Mediate for a peaceful compromise.
Analyze the situation carefully to determine the best course of action.
Take sides with the faction that offers the best incentives.

9. What role do you prefer to take in a team?

Supporter – I prefer to assist and back up my teammates.
Specialist – I focus on my area of expertise.
Motivator – I keep the team’s spirits high and maintain morale.
Leader – I like to take charge and guide the team.

10. A crewmate suggests a risky yet potentially profitable mission. How do you respond?

Decline and suggest a safer alternative.
Analyze the mission thoroughly before deciding.
Caution the crewmate against unnecessary risks.
Agree to take the risk for the potential profit.

11. What is your approach to managing resources on your ship?

Patch things up as they break and hope for the best.
Ensure ample reserves for any unexpected situations.
Maximize trading opportunities to increase wealth.
Carefully balance and optimize for efficiency.

12. During missions, which role do you prefer to take on?

Providing moral support and motivation.
Technical support – managing systems and devices.
Frontline combat – eliminate threats directly.
Scouting and gathering intelligence.

13. How do you typically resolve disagreements with other characters?

Analyze the situation objectively before acting.
Negotiate and find a middle ground.
Avoid conflict whenever possible.
Assert your position firmly.