Which Dragon Ball Legends Character Are You?

Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 7/22/2024



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Uncover your inner warrior by finding out which Dragon Ball Legends character matches your fighting style and personality traits. Dive into the world of Saiyans, Namekians, and more!

Uncover your inner warrior by finding out which Dragon Ball Legends character matches your fighting style and personality traits. Dive into the world of Saiyans, Namekians, and more!

1. How would you describe your preferred fighting style?

Balanced and versatile
Methodic and precise
Aggressive and powerful
Strategic and cunning

2. When facing a stronger opponent, how do you react?

Push through with sheer force
Adapt and strategize
Stay calm and outmaneuver them
Rely on teamwork and coordination

3. Which ability is most important to you in battle?

Speed and agility
Withstanding and overcoming enemy attacks
Unleashing devastating attacks
Using special and ultimate techniques

4. What motivates you most in battle?

Wisdom and experience
The pursuit of ultimate power
Becoming the strongest version of yourself
A sense of justice and protection

5. What is your approach when forming a team?

Focus on coordination and synergy
Guidance and mentorship
Rely on my own strengths
Assemble a powerful and balanced team

6. How do you handle a losing battle?

Seek out help and support
Retreat and regroup
Fight to the bitter end
Find a way to turn the tide

7. What's your ideal setting for a battle?

An urban environment
A secluded and strategic location
Anywhere with an advantage
A wide-open battlefield

8. Which trait do you value most in a leader?

Strength and power
Justice and fairness
Wisdom and experience
Adaptability and resilience

9. What's your stance on teamwork?

Adapt to the situation
Essential for success
A useful strategy
Prefer to work alone

10. Which fighting technique do you prefer?

Energy blasts and ranged attacks
Special and ultimate moves
Melee and close combat
Speed and agility

11. How do you deal with a surprise attack?

Assess and strategize
Counter with immediate force
Block and defend
Dodge and counterattack

12. What drives you to become stronger?

Achieving ultimate power
Wisdom and mastery
Protecting my loved ones
Overcoming all obstacles