Which ITZY Member Are You?
Discover which member of the K-pop group ITZY you resemble the most based on your personality traits and preferences!
1. How do you usually spend your free time?
Watching movies or playing video games.
Hanging out with friends or going to a party.
Practicing a hobby like dancing or cooking.
Reading a book or solving puzzles.
2. Which type of music do you enjoy the most?
Upbeat pop or dance music.
Classical or instrumental music.
Soulful R&B or jazz.
Rock or alternative music.
3. What's your go-to fashion style?
Trendy and stylish.
Casual and comfortable.
Sophisticated and chic.
Sporty and practical.
4. How do you handle stress in difficult situations?
I keep myself busy with activities or hobbies.
I talk with friends or loved ones for support.
I take a moment to relax and breathe.
I stay calm and think logically.
5. You have a day off with no plans. What do you do?
Plan a spontaneous adventure or outing.
Try a new activity or learn something new.
Invite friends over for a casual hangout.
Catch up on sleep or relax at home.
6. Which of these best describes your decision-making style?
I discuss with others before deciding.
I go with my gut feeling.
I gather all the facts and analyze them.
I weigh pros and cons carefully.
7. What type of movies do you like to watch?
Romantic comedies.
Action and adventure.
Documentaries or biographies.
Thrillers or mysteries.
8. In a group project, what role do you usually take on?
Executor, getting the work done efficiently.
Innovator, coming up with ideas.
Supporter, helping wherever needed.
Leader, organizing and directing.
9. How do you prefer to celebrate your achievements?
Treat myself to something special.
Reflect quietly and set new goals.
Throw a big party with friends and family.
Share the news on social media.
10. If you could choose to master one skill, what would it be?
Creative arts like painting or music.
Technical skills like coding or engineering.
Physical skills like sports or dancing.
Public speaking or leadership.