Discover Your Star Wars Commander Unit Persona!

Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 7/12/2024



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Ever wondered which Star Wars commander unit best matches your personality? Take this quiz to find out if you possess the cunning of a Stormtrooper or the courage of a Rebel Officer!

Ever wondered which Star Wars commander unit best matches your personality? Take this quiz to find out if you possess the cunning of a Stormtrooper or the courage of a Rebel Officer!

1. How do you typically approach a high-stakes, critical situation?

Follow orders from higher authority without question.
Consult with your team and prioritize their input.
Act quickly and decisively to seize the moment.
Carefully analyze all available data and plan meticulously.

2. Which Star Wars faction do you align with most closely?


3. In combat, what is your preferred role?

Infiltration and reconnaissance.
Strategic planning from a secure position.
Supporting roles to enhance team efficiency.
Frontline, leading the charge.

4. How do you ensure your team's loyalty?

Using rewards and incentives to motivate them.
By setting a strong, principled example.
Through strict discipline and clear consequences.
Building trust and camaraderie over time.

5. What do you believe is the key to a successful mission?

Thorough preparation and planning.
Exceptional teamwork and cooperation.
Adaptability and quick thinking on the ground.
Following orders and proven protocols.

6. How do you handle a subordinate who constantly questions your orders?

Encourage open dialogue and address their concerns.
Reinforce the importance of following orders.
Provide additional training to align their thinking.
Remove them from duty to maintain order.

7. What's your approach to resource management in prolonged conflicts?

Relying on ingenuity and adaptability of the team.
Carefully prioritizing and rationing resources.
Securing new resources through strategic maneuvers.
Using overwhelming force to minimize resource use.

8. Which of these leadership traits defines you the most?

Attention to detail.
Courage and decisiveness.
Strategic thinking.
Loyalty and dedication.

9. When faced with a pivotal decision, how do you proceed?

Follow established protocols and rules.
Consider the greater good and long-term impact.
Trust your instincts and act swiftly.
Consult with key advisors and make an informed choice.

10. What motivates you in your leadership role?

Strategic and tactical excellence.
A sense of duty and responsibility.
Ambition and the pursuit of power.
Seeking justice and fairness.

11. How do you perceive loyalty within your team?

Loyalty is driven by incentives and rewards.
Loyalty is non-negotiable and must be absolute.
Loyalty should be earned through mutual respect.
Loyalty is built through shared experiences and bonds.

12. In which scenario are you most likely to thrive?

Overseeing large-scale, long-term projects.
Leading a critical battle on the front lines.
Orchestrating complex strategic operations.
Managing and supporting your team’s efforts.

13. What is your greatest strength as a leader?

My decisiveness and courage under fire.
My strategic acumen and foresight.
My attention to detail and thoroughness.
My loyalty and commitment to my team.