Which Hogwarts Legacy Character Are You?


Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 8/17/2024



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Find out which character from the magical world of Hogwarts Legacy matches your personality and choices! Answer a series of questions related to your magical preferences, game decisions, and unique traits to discover your doppelgänger in Hogwarts Legacy.

Find out which character from the magical world of Hogwarts Legacy matches your personality and choices! Answer a series of questions related to your magical preferences, game decisions, and unique traits to discover your doppelgänger in Hogwarts Legacy.

1. You're in a duel with a formidable opponent. Which spell do you rely on?

Stupefy - Reliable and effective stunning spell
Expelliarmus - Disarm and create an opening
Protego - Strong defense while waiting for an opening
Petrificus Totalus - Quickly immobilize your opponent

2. You encounter a magical creature in distress. What do you do?

Ignore it and continue with your quest
Help and try to understand its needs
Study it from a distance to learn more before acting
Bring it to an expert for assistance

3. Which Hogwarts class do you find most interesting?

Divination - The practice of predicting the future
Herbology - Study of magical plants
Defense Against the Dark Arts - Combatting dark magic
Potions - The art of creating magical brews

4. How do you prefer to deal with ethical dilemmas?

Weigh the pros and cons before making a decision
Always choose the morally right option, even if it's difficult
Consider what benefits you the most
Follow your instincts, regardless of the consequences

5. Your friends describe you as...

Loyal and hardworking
Resourceful and strategic
Curious and intelligent
Adventurous and brave

6. You discover an ancient artifact. What do you do?

Use it to uncover a hidden secret
Keep it as a personal memento
Turn it over to a professor for safekeeping
Investigate its origins and history

7. Given the choice, which magical creature would you have as a pet?

Bowtruckle - Loyal and handy
Niffler - Mischievous but adorable
Phoenix - Resilient and rare
Hippogriff - Proud and majestic

8. During a mysterious event, what role do you naturally take on?

Leader - Taking charge and directing others
Support - Assisting and providing backup
Scout - Gathering information before acting
Strategist - Planning and devising a course of action

9. How do you approach your studies at Hogwarts?

Focusing only on subjects you enjoy
Prioritizing practical knowledge over theory
Diligently, ensuring to master every subject
Balancing time between studies and extracurriculars

10. Which magical item would you wish to possess?

Time-Turner - Control and manage time
Marauder’s Map - Keep track of everyone around you
Invisibility Cloak - Move unseen and avoid conflicts
Elder Wand - Unmatched magical power

11. You have to choose a project to work on. Which one appeals to you the most?

Creating new spells and potions
Studying and cataloging magical creatures
Uncovering historical mysteries
Gardening and herbal experimentation

12. When faced with a challenge, what's your first instinct?

Analyze and plan a solution
Confront it head-on
Seek help from friends or mentors
Find a creative or unconventional approach

13. You have an opportunity to join a club at Hogwarts. Which one do you choose?

Historical Society - Explore Hogwarts' rich past
Duelling Club - Test your combat skills
Herbology Club - Grow and study magical plants
Potion Brewers' Society - Experiment with new concoctions