Which Hogwarts House Do You Belong To?


Created 6/25/2024



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Find out which Hogwarts House you truly belong to with this fun quiz! Answer a series of questions and discover if you're a Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, or Slytherin.

Find out which Hogwarts House you truly belong to with this fun quiz! Answer a series of questions and discover if you're a Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, or Slytherin.

1. You see a redhead wearing hand-me-downs. What do you do?

You befriend him
You tell him he's making friends 'with the wrong sort'
Everyone is your friend
You're too smart for this

2. Your best friend's sister gets kidnapped by a magical diary and taken into the Chamber of Secrets. What do you do?

March down there in shining armor and defeat the beast
You are BFFs with the Heir of Slytherin
Why can't everyone just get along?
You go read a book

3. If you were in Hogwarts now, what would you be doing?

Defeating evil
Creating evil
Making lots of friends
Reading a book

4. Which pet would you bring with you to Hogwarts?

A Hippogriff to show off your bravery
A Dementor sponsored by your rich father
You don't believe in keeping pets; animals are your friends
A book

5. What is your favourite spell?

'My father will hear about this'
Accio Butterbeer
You know every spell

6. Your all-time favourite movie is:

Resident Evil
Pursuit of Happyness
Real intellectuals read books, okay?

7. If you could choose any one of the Deathly Hallows, which one would you choose?

The Elder Wand - to fight and be more arrogant than you already were
The Elder Wand - to become the strongest one in the kingdom and make everyone kneel before you
You're more interested in spreading love and peace
No Deathly Hallows for me, thanks; just a good book will do

8. Which animal do you identify the most with?

A Griffin
A Snake
A Badger
An Eagle

9. You get your OWL results. What are your grades?

Moderate grades in all subjects except in Defence Against the Dark Arts where you have an Outstanding
Moderate grades in all subjects except in Dark Arts where you have an Outstanding
Moderate grades in all subjects
Outstanding in all your subjects because you've been reading all those books (Good job!)

10. Just like the Sorting Hat, I will also take into account what house you associate yourself the most with:

Gryffindor (10 points)
Slytherin (20 points)
Hufflepuff (30 points)
Ravenclaw (40 points)