Which Tokyo Ghoul Character Are You?


Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 8/15/2024



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Are you a fan of Tokyo Ghoul? Have you ever wondered which character you're most like? Take this quiz to find out whether you're more like Kaneki, Touka, or another iconic character from the series. Dive into questions about your coping mechanisms, combat style, and moral compass to reveal your true Tokyo Ghoul persona.

Are you a fan of Tokyo Ghoul? Have you ever wondered which character you're most like? Take this quiz to find out whether you're more like Kaneki, Touka, or another iconic character from the series. Dive into questions about your coping mechanisms, combat style, and moral compass to reveal your true Tokyo Ghoul persona.

1. What is your go-to coping mechanism?

Having a deep conversation with a trusted friend
Reading a book to escape reality
Engaging in physical activities or combat training
Creating art or engaging with music

2. How do you handle conflicts?

I face them head-on and fight if necessary
I manipulate the situation to turn it in my favor
I try to find a diplomatic solution that benefits everyone
I avoid them as much as possible

3. What's your combat style?

Strategic and calculated moves
Speed and agility to outmaneuver
Using my environment to my advantage
Brute force and overwhelming my opponent

4. How do you view justice?

Justice means protecting those close to me
Justice is absolute and must be upheld at all costs
Justice can be subjective and flexible
Justice is a joke; it's all about survival

5. What's most important to you in life?

Peace and coexistence
Family and close friends
Art and self-expression
Personal power and strength

6. How do you deal with fear?

I rationalize it and find a logical way to handle it
I hide it and appear fearless
I use fear to plan and avoid risky situations
I face it head-on and conquer it

7. What kind of environment do you thrive in?

A social setting where I can interact with others
A quiet place where I can think and reflect
A solitary environment where I can focus on my own pursuits
A chaotic environment where I can be spontaneous

8. How do you approach relationships?

I form deep emotional connections
I approach them strategically and with caution
I prefer casual and light-hearted relationships
I tend to avoid forming close relationships

9. What's your stance on violence?

Violence is an effective tool and can be used strategically
Violence should be avoided whenever possible
Violence is a necessary evil to achieve goals
Violence is chaotic but enjoyable

10. How do you react under pressure?

I crumble and have difficulty managing stress
I become highly focused and efficient
I become highly aggressive and intense
I remain calm and rational

11. What's your view on loyalty?

Loyalty can be used to manipulate others
Loyalty is irrelevant in most situations
Loyalty is conditional and depends on circumstances
Loyalty is essential and non-negotiable

12. How do you balance your human and ghoul sides?

I struggle constantly, often conflicted
I keep my ghoul side hidden from my human side
I embrace both sides equally and openly
I use my ghoul side to further my human side's goals