Post-Structuralism: Test Your Knowledge


Created 6/21/2024



Q & A

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Test your knowledge of post-structuralism with this challenging quiz! See how well you understand the key concepts, thinkers, and ideas behind this influential philosophical movement.

Test your knowledge of post-structuralism with this challenging quiz! See how well you understand the key concepts, thinkers, and ideas behind this influential philosophical movement.

1. Who is considered one of the founding figures of post-structuralism?

Ferdinand de Saussure
Jacques Derrida
Immanuel Kant
Michel Foucault

2. Which concept is central to Jacques Derrida's theory of deconstruction?

Binary Oppositions

3. What does the term 'différance' signify in Derrida's philosophy?

Deferral and difference of meaning
Absolute truth and certainty
Historical change and progress
Human consciousness

4. Michel Foucault's work is often associated with which of the following concepts?

Structural anthropology
Economic determinism

5. Which book by Roland Barthes is a crucial text in post-structuralism?

Writing and Difference
The Archaeology of Knowledge

6. What does Foucault mean by 'biopolitics'?

The intersection of biology and politics
The governance of populations and bodies
Political discourse analysis
Morality in political systems

7. Which post-structuralist thinker is known for the concept of 'the death of the author'?

Roland Barthes
Jean Baudrillard
Michel Foucault
Gilles Deleuze

8. What is 'intertextuality' in post-structuralist theory?

The idea that texts are self-contained and independent
The interaction between texts and the author's biography
The relationship between a text and other texts
The historical context of a text’s production

9. What does Jean-François Lyotard's concept of 'The Postmodern Condition' critique?

Modern technology
Metanarratives and universal truths
Traditional aesthetics
Economic capitalism

10. Which of these scholars is known for blending psychoanalysis with post-structuralism?

Gilles Deleuze
Louis Althusser
Julia Kristeva
Pierre Bourdieu