Which 'It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia' Character Are You?

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Created 7/3/2024



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Ever wondered which member of The Gang from 'It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia' you most resemble? Take this quiz to find out which character's quirky personality matches your own!

Ever wondered which member of The Gang from 'It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia' you most resemble? Take this quiz to find out which character's quirky personality matches your own!

1. How would you typically handle a conflict situation?

Try to manipulate the situation to my advantage.
Make an irrational, possibly dangerous decision.
Throw a tantrum and get physically aggressive.
Try to sneakily resolve it behind everyone's back.

2. How do you view yourself in terms of abilities?

I believe I am incredibly talented and superior to others.
I see myself as tough and seek validation through strength.
I tend to underestimate myself despite having unique skills.
I think I am a natural leader and financially smart.

3. What would you do if you found a wallet on the ground?

Keep the money and make a plan to make more out of it.
Take the entire wallet and pretend nothing happened.
Return it but expect something in return.
Try to find the owner immediately.

4. How do you typically spend your free time?

Coming up with grandiose plans that often fail.
Engaging in physical activities and showing off.
Obsessing over someone and engaging in stalker-like behavior.
Scrapping for survival and making ends meet with odd jobs.

5. How do you respond to criticism from friends or family?

Deflect and try to prove them wrong with convoluted logic.
Become defensive and insist on your own version of truth.
Feel hurt but avoid confrontation.
Laugh it off and continue with your own way.

6. What is your approach to romantic relationships?

Using manipulation and tactics to keep control.
Extreme measures to showcase attraction but often fail.
Hopelessly chasing someone out of your league.
Casual relationships but frequently at odds with self-perception.

7. If you had a chance to start a new business, what would it be?

A fitness center promoting your own extreme techniques.
A bar or club focused on unique, often inappropriate antics.
An elaborate scheme designed to exploit loopholes.
A low-key, everyday survival hustle.

8. How do you deal with failure?

Blame others and try to outsmart the consequences.
Get over it quickly and start planning the next outlandish idea.
Experience a meltdown and spiral into self-pity.
Come up with a bizarre plan to fix the situation.