Famous Landmarks in the Czech Republic: Can You Recognize Them?


Created 6/27/2024



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Test your knowledge of famous landmarks in the Czech Republic! Can you recognize these iconic structures and locations? Challenge yourself and see how many correct answers you can get out of 10!

Test your knowledge of famous landmarks in the Czech Republic! Can you recognize these iconic structures and locations? Challenge yourself and see how many correct answers you can get out of 10!

1. Which of the following landmarks is known as the largest castle complex in the world?

Prague Castle
Karlštejn Castle
Český Krumlov Castle
Orlík Castle

2. What is the name of the church located in the Lesser Town of Prague, known for its Baroque architecture?

St. Vitus Cathedral
St. Nicholas Church
St. George's Basilica
Týn Church

3. Which square in Prague is associated with significant political events and the statue of Saint Wenceslas?

Old Town Square
Wenceslas Square
Malostranské Square
Charles Square

4. At which historic site in Prague can visitors see the famous Astronomical Clock?

Charles Bridge
Prague Castle
Old Town Hall

5. The statue of which historical figure can be found in the Old Town Square in Prague?

Charles IV
Jan Hus
Saint Wenceslas
Franz Kafka

6. Which of the following landmarks crosses the Vltava River and features numerous Baroque statues?

Charles Bridge
Legion Bridge
Manes Bridge
Palacký Bridge

7. Which historical church is located within Prague Castle and retains its Romanesque style after a fire in 1142?

St. Vitus Cathedral
St. Nicholas Church
St. George's Basilica

8. Where was the Proclamation of Independence of Czechoslovakia read on 28 October 1918?

Charles Bridge
Prague Castle
Wenceslas Square
Old Jewish Cemetery

9. What is the name of the iconic bridge in Prague that was originally named the 'Stone Bridge'?

Legion Bridge
Juditin Bridge
Charles Bridge
Mánes Bridge

10. Which historic site served as a Jewish burial ground between the 15th century and 1786 in Prague?

Old Jewish Cemetery
Olsany Cemetery
Vyšehrad Cemetery
New Jewish Cemetery