What Kind of Rider Are You in Melbourne?

Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 7/9/2024



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Discover which type of Melbourne rider you are! Whether you're a casual weekend warrior or a daily commuter, this quiz will match you with your ideal rider profile.

Discover which type of Melbourne rider you are! Whether you're a casual weekend warrior or a daily commuter, this quiz will match you with your ideal rider profile.

1. How do you typically commute to work?

I don't cycle to work at all
I cycle every day, rain or shine
I drive most days, but cycle when the weather is nice
I use public transport and occasionally cycle

2. What type of bicycle do you prefer?

City bike with upright posture
Electric bike for easier commutes
Mountain bike for off-road adventures
Road bike with drop handlebars

3. How far do you typically ride in one session?

Short trips around the city (5-10 km)
Long training rides (50-100+ km)
Varies greatly depending on the day
Medium distance rides (20-50 km)

4. How often do you ride your bike?

Occasionally when the mood strikes
Weekends only for recreational rides
Every day for commuting and leisure
A few times a week for exercise

5. What's your favorite riding route in Melbourne?

Scenic paths along the Yarra River
Beach Road for group rides
Off-road trails in the surrounding hills
City streets and bike lanes in the CBD

6. How do you feel about cycling in adverse weather conditions?

I prefer to avoid rain and extreme heat
I ride regardless of the weather
I adjust my gear and ride anyway
I only ride in perfect conditions

7. Do you participate in cycling events?

I join charity rides and fun events
I occasionally participate in local group rides
Yes, I regularly race in criteriums and road races
No, I prefer to ride solo or with friends

8. What's your preferred riding speed?

Varies depending on the purpose of the ride
Moderate pace for fitness and enjoyment
Fast-paced, aiming for high average speeds
Leisurely cruising and sightseeing

9. How would you describe your cycling fitness level?

Moderately fit, I ride for general health
Very fit, I can handle long and challenging rides
Beginner, still building my endurance
Elite, I train regularly and compete

10. What bike accessories do you consider essential?

Minimal setup, just the basics
High-tech gadgets (power meter, GPS computer)
Safety gear (lights, reflective clothing)
Comfort items (ergonomic saddle, padded shorts)

11. What type of clothing do you usually wear while cycling?

Technical cycling gear but not full lycra
Whatever I'm wearing that day
Casual clothes and sneakers
Full lycra kit with cleats

12. How often do you maintain your bike?

I'm not very familiar with bike maintenance
When needed, I take it to a shop for service
Minimal maintenance, just basic cleaning
Regularly, I perform weekly checks and tune-ups

13. How do you feel about group rides?

Find them intimidating or unnecessary
Enjoy them occasionally for social interaction
Prefer to ride solo or with one or two friends
Love them, I regularly join bunch rides

14. How important is environmental consciousness in your cycling?

It doesn't really factor into my decision to cycle
It's my primary reason for cycling
I consider it a nice bonus
It's important, but not the main factor

15. How do you feel about the cycling infrastructure in Melbourne?

It's inadequate, making cycling challenging
I don't pay much attention to infrastructure
It's improving, but there's still room for growth
It's great, I feel safe and comfortable riding anywhere