Find Your Perfect Canine Companion

Gensen Huang
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Gensen Huang

Created 6/21/2024



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Discover the ideal dog breed that matches your personality and lifestyle with this insightful quiz!

Discover the ideal dog breed that matches your personality and lifestyle with this insightful quiz!

1. What size of dog are you looking for?


2. How much daily exercise can you provide?

Less than 30 minutes
30-60 minutes
1-2 hours
More than 2 hours

3. Do you have experience with training dogs?

Yes, a lot
Some experience
A little
None at all

4. How important is grooming for you?

Low maintenance
Moderate maintenance
High maintenance
Very high maintenance

5. What kind of living space do you have?

House with a small yard
House with a large yard
Rural area or farm

6. How do you feel about barking?

Prefer a quiet dog
Don't mind occasional barking
Active barker is okay
Barking is not an issue

7. Do you have children or other pets?

Yes, children and pets
Yes, children only
Yes, other pets only

8. How busy is your lifestyle?

Very busy
Moderately busy
Not very busy
Free most of the time

9. Do you travel often?

Yes, very often
Almost never

10. How important is it that your dog is friendly with strangers?

Very important
Somewhat important
Not very important
Not important at all

11. How much are you willing to spend on veterinary care annually?

Less than $500
More than $1500

12. What kind of activities would you like to do with your dog?

Couch cuddling
Daily walks
Playtime and fetch
Hiking and adventures

13. What is your preference for a dog's shedding level?

No shedding
Low shedding
Moderate shedding
Heavy shedding

14. How important is it that your dog is hypoallergenic?

Very important
Somewhat important
Not very important
Not at all important

15. Are you interested in participating in dog sports or training?

Yes, very much
Not really

16. How would you describe your ideal dog's energy level?

Low energy
Moderate energy
High energy
Very high energy

17. How do you feel about a dog's loyalty and protectiveness?

Very important
Somewhat important
Not very important
Not important at all

18. How much time can you dedicate to training and socializing your dog?

A lot of time
A moderate amount of time
A little time
Very little time

19. How important is it that your dog gets along with other animals?

Very important
Somewhat important
Not very important
Not important at all

20. Are you looking for a dog that can perform specific tasks (e.g., therapy, guard, hunting)?

Yes, specific tasks
Not really