Which Cyberpunk Character Are You?

Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 7/22/2024



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Dive into the gritty, neon-lit world of Cyberpunk and discover which character from the universe aligns with your personality. Are you a tech-savvy hacker, a ruthless mercenary, or a corporate mastermind? Find out now!

Dive into the gritty, neon-lit world of Cyberpunk and discover which character from the universe aligns with your personality. Are you a tech-savvy hacker, a ruthless mercenary, or a corporate mastermind? Find out now!

1. You have the option to implant one type of cyberware enhancement. Which do you choose?

Kerenzikov: Enhanced reflexes for dodging attacks and slowing down time.
Monowire: A whip-like weapon hidden in your arm for efficient combat.
Nano Wire: For enhanced hacking and neural attacks.
Optical Camo: Blend into your surroundings for stealth operations.

2. Night City is rife with corruption and moral ambiguity. How do you handle moral dilemmas?

Evaluate each situation individually and choose the lesser evil.
Manipulate others to achieve your goals while avoiding direct confrontation.
Stick to a strict moral code, regardless of the consequences.
Do whatever it takes to survive, even if it means crossing moral lines.

3. A rival gang ambushes you. What’s your immediate response?

Use stealth and cunning to escape unnoticed.
Hack their systems to cause chaos and gain the upper hand.
Fight back with everything you've got.
Retreat tactically to find a better position and reassess.

4. How do you generally interact with the various factions and gangs in Night City?

Avoid them unless absolutely necessary.
Work with them if it benefits your cause.
Form alliances based on mutual benefit.
Establish dominance to gain respect.

5. Which area of Night City feels most like home to you?

Pacifica: The wild frontier, controlled by gangs.
Heywood: A mix of old and new, with a strong sense of community.
Westbrook: Glitz, glamour, and the elite.
Watson: Where the hustle never stops.

6. You come across valuable information that could topple a major corporation. What do you do?

Sell it to the highest bidder.
Keep it hidden to avoid any potential danger.
Leak it to the public to ensure maximum impact.
Use it to blackmail the corporation for personal gain.

7. How do you typically spend your downtime in Night City?

Tinkering with tech or vehicles.
Performing or attending concerts and gigs.
Hanging out at bars and social hubs.
Exploring the city's hidden corners in solitude.

8. What kind of crew do you prefer to surround yourself with?

Rebels and activists.
Loyal and trustworthy friends.
Skilled and competent professionals.
Opportunists who are in it for the thrill.

9. Which of the following missions appeals to you the most?

Uncovering a hidden conspiracy in the digital world.
Protecting a community from a dangerous gang.
A high-stakes heist within a secure corporate facility.
Sabotaging a rival's operations for personal gain.

10. What's your approach to achieving success in Night City?

Defying the system and creating chaos.
Networking and forming strategic alliances.
Focusing on personal improvement and skill development.
Rising through the ranks with determination and skill.

11. You discover a highly advanced piece of cyberware in a black market. What do you do?

Sell it to the highest bidder.
Study it to understand its potential.
Use it to enhance your abilities and stay ahead.
Destroy it to prevent potential misuse.

12. How do you handle betrayal by someone close to you?

Seek revenge no matter the cost.
Try to understand their reasons and possibly reconcile.
Use the betrayal to learn and strengthen yourself.
Cut them off and move on.

13. What motivates you the most in a dystopian world?

Fame and recognition.
Rebellion against oppression.
Survival and personal gain.
A sense of justice and doing what’s right.

14. What’s your approach to leadership?

Instill fear and command respect.
Lead by example, showing my skills and dedication.
Strategize and delegate tasks based on team strengths.
Use charisma and persuasion to unite others.