Which Gossip Girl Boyfriend Would You End Up With?


Created 6/28/2024



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Find out which Gossip Girl boyfriend is your perfect match. Take this quiz to discover your ideal partner from the Upper East Side.

Find out which Gossip Girl boyfriend is your perfect match. Take this quiz to discover your ideal partner from the Upper East Side.

1. What is your ideal Saturday night?

Attending a glamorous party
Staying in with a good book
Going on an adventure
Having a cozy night in with your loved one

2. How do you handle conflict in a relationship?

Face it head on, even if things get messy
Talk it out calmly and maturely
Avoid it as much as possible
Seek advice from friends before addressing it

3. Which of these personality traits is most important to you in a partner?


4. How do you feel about surprises?

Love them! Always exciting
Depends on the nature of the surprise
Hate them, I prefer predictability
Neutral, I can go with the flow

5. Where would you prefer to live?

A penthouse in the city
A cozy apartment in a quiet neighborhood
A luxurious mansion
A charming house in the suburbs

6. How do you show love?

Grand gestures and gifts
Quality time and attention
Words of affirmation
Acts of service and help

7. What's your stance on social media?

It's essential for keeping up appearances
Useful but not everything
Barely use it, prefer real-life interactions
Only for important updates

8. What's your biggest deal breaker?

Lack of ambition
Overbearing family
Lack of empathy

9. Which of these activities sounds most appealing?

Planning a high-profile event
Cuddling up for a movie night
Exploring a new city
Spending time in nature

10. How do you handle jealousy in a relationship?

Use it as motivation to improve myself
Communicate openly with my partner
Suppress it and try to ignore it
Feel secure and trust my partner completely