Which Elden Ring Character Are You?

Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 7/22/2024



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Step into the world of Elden Ring and uncover which character best mirrors your personality. Are you as noble as a knight, or do you prefer the shadows like a rogue? Your answers will reveal the Elden Ring protagonist you align with!

Step into the world of Elden Ring and uncover which character best mirrors your personality. Are you as noble as a knight, or do you prefer the shadows like a rogue? Your answers will reveal the Elden Ring protagonist you align with!

1. When faced with a difficult opponent, how do you prefer to fight?

I harness magic to defeat them.
I mix all styles to keep my opponent guessing.
I keep my distance and use ranged weapons.
I rush in with my sword, relying on melee attacks.

2. How do you typically approach moral decisions in the game?

I walk a neutral path, focusing on my own goals.
I try to maintain balance, avoiding extremes.
I do what benefits me the most, regardless of others.
I always help others, even if it doesn't benefit me.

3. What type of quests do you prefer to undertake?

I focus on the main storyline.
I enjoy side quests and helping NPCs.
I love exploring the world and finding hidden secrets.
I accept quests that offer the best rewards.

4. How do you typically react to unexpected challenges?

I adapt quickly and go with the flow.
I take a cautious and measured approach.
I react impulsively, relying on instinct.
I strategize and plan my approach.

5. What drives you most while playing the game?

The pursuit of power and dominance.
Seeking knowledge and understanding.
Helping others and creating strong bonds.
Exploring the unknown and gaining new experiences.

6. How do you view your allies in battle?

I view allies as a source of wisdom and guidance.
Necessary means to achieve victory.
I prefer to fight alone and rely on my own strength.
Valuable partners who make me stronger.

7. What do you believe is the greatest quality of a leader?

Unwavering determination.
Strength and command.
Wisdom and foresight.
Compassion and empathy.

8. How do you approach a new, unexplored area in the game?

I move cautiously, always wary of potential threats.
I look for patterns and clues to guide my way.
I dive in, exploring every corner.
I prefer to have a clear mission or goal before exploring.

9. When interacting with NPCs, what is your approach?

I maintain a professional distance, focusing on my tasks.
I am cautious, not trusting anyone easily.
I seek out those who can offer me rewards or benefits.
I take the time to learn their stories and help them.

10. What is your ultimate goal in the game?

To become the strongest warrior.
To find and help as many characters as I can.
To uncover all the secrets and lore.
To achieve power and control.

11. How do you typically handle betrayals in the game?

I become more cautious with everyone I meet.
I try to understand their reasons before acting.
I seek vengeance on those who betray me.
I move on and focus on my goals.

12. What is your preferred way to solve problems?

Using brute force and determination.
Relying on intelligence and knowledge.
Adapting and improvising as needed.
Seeking help from allies and friends.