Which Nonbinary Pronoun Are You?


Created 6/26/2024



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Discover which nonbinary pronoun best reflects your identity and expression with this quiz! Categorize yourself based on a series of thought-provoking questions and get in touch with your unique pronoun.

Discover which nonbinary pronoun best reflects your identity and expression with this quiz! Categorize yourself based on a series of thought-provoking questions and get in touch with your unique pronoun.

1. How do you feel about traditional gender labels like he/him or she/her?

I feel comfortable with them
I prefer a mix of both
They don’t fit me at all
I have no strong feelings about them

2. When interacting with new people, how important is it for you to share your pronouns?

Very important
Somewhat important
Not important, but appreciated
Not important at all

3. Which of these resonates most with how you view your gender identity?

Binary genders don’t fit me
I like to mix genders
I prefer no gender labels
I embrace all genders

4. How do you feel about the use of neopronouns (like xe/xem, ze/zir)?

I love them
They’re interesting but not for me
I’m indifferent
I find them confusing

5. If someone uses the wrong pronoun for you, how does it make you feel?

I try to correct them politely
It doesn’t bother me much

6. When thinking about your pronouns, what’s most important to you?

Simplicity and ease of use
Reflecting my identity accurately
Avoiding gender altogether
Being unique and special

7. How comfortable are you with the singular they pronoun?

Very comfortable
Somewhat comfortable
Not really comfortable
I don’t like it at all

8. Do you believe pronouns should change depending on the context or situation?

Yes, it helps to reflect my mood
No, consistency is key
Maybe, but it’s complicated
I’ve never thought about it

9. Who do you look up to in terms of pronoun or gender identity?

Artists like Angel Haze or Arca
Activists like Cara Delevingne
Comedians and writers like JD Samson
I don’t have a specific role model

10. How would you describe your ideal pronoun?

Simple and easy for everyone to use
Unique to me
Reflective of my fluid identity
Avoiding gender altogether