Which Famous DJ Are You?

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Created 6/26/2024



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Find out which famous DJ you are most like and discover your DJing persona.

Find out which famous DJ you are most like and discover your DJing persona.

1. How would you describe your DJ style?

Energetic and vibrant
Smooth and steady
Experimental and edgy
Classic and timeless

2. What's your preferred music genre?

Electronic Dance Music
Rock n' Roll
Hip Hop

3. How do you like to engage with your audience?

Via social media
In-person events
Through my music
Radio broadcasts

4. Which of the following best describes your personality?

Sarcastic and witty
Friendly and approachable
Mysterious and reserved
Charismatic and lively

5. Where would your ideal DJ gig be?

A major festival
An underground club
A famous radio station

6. What's your ideal outfit when performing?

Comfortable and casual
High fashion and trendy
A unique costume
Formal and professional

7. How do you view the role of technology in DJing?

Essential for innovation
A useful tool
Overrated and impersonal
A means to an end

8. Which legendary DJ do you admire the most?

Daft Punk
John Peel
Pete Tong
Wolfman Jack

9. How do you deal with criticism?

Ignore it
Use it as motivation
Respond with humor
Take it to heart

10. What's your favorite part of being a DJ?

The fame and publicity
Connecting with fans
Creating music
The financial rewards

11. What kind of venue do you prefer?

Small, intimate clubs
Large stadiums
Radio studios
Outdoor festivals

12. How important is having a unique look or persona?

Very important
Somewhat important
Not important at all
Depends on the situation