How Well Do You Know Philosophy?

Quizzee Rascal
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Quizzee Rascal

Created 6/8/2024



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Do you consider yourself a philosophy expert? Put your knowledge to the test with this challenging quiz and see how many questions you can answer correctly out of 5!

Do you consider yourself a philosophy expert? Put your knowledge to the test with this challenging quiz and see how many questions you can answer correctly out of 5!

1. What does the term 'philosophy' mean in Ancient Greek?

Love of power
Love of art
Love of wisdom
Love of science

2. Which field of philosophy is concerned with the nature of existence?


3. Who is known for their contributions to Arabic-Persian philosophy, particularly regarding reason and revelation?

Ibn Sina (Avicenna)

4. What central problem does Indian philosophy often explore?

The nature of art
Social conduct
Enlightenment and reality
Political governance

5. Which philosopher is known for their influence on feminist concepts like gender and identity?

Simone de Beauvoir
Jean-Paul Sartre
Arthur Schopenhauer
Immanuel Kant