Which Tabletop RPG Character Are You?

Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 8/2/2024



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Ever wondered which tabletop RPG character you'd be in a fantasy world? Answer these questions about your role-playing style, character choices, and in-game decisions to find out!

Ever wondered which tabletop RPG character you'd be in a fantasy world? Answer these questions about your role-playing style, character choices, and in-game decisions to find out!

1. You encounter a village under attack by bandits. What do you do?

Sneak around to take out the bandit leader quietly.
Help the villagers escape while healing the wounded.
Use your magic to create a barrier to protect the villagers.
Lead a charge against the bandits to protect the village.

2. You find a strange artifact that radiates magical energy. What do you do?

Determine if the artifact can be used to heal or benefit the community.
Use the artifact to gain an advantage in your next battle.
Sell the artifact to a collector or merchant.
Study the artifact to understand its properties.

3. You're tasked with leading an expedition through dangerous terrain. How do you prepare?

Gather detailed maps and supplies, and make sure everyone is well-prepared.
Use your magical knowledge to detect and nullify dangers before they become threats.
Rely on your physical prowess and instincts to get you through.
Prepare traps and mechanisms to ensure the group's safety.

4. In a critical negotiation with a rival faction, what is your approach?

Employ deception to manipulate them into an agreement.
Offer mutually beneficial solutions and highlight common interests.
Convince them through sheer charisma and persuasive arguments.
Intimidate them into agreeing to your terms.

5. You have limited resources left. How do you decide what to prioritize?

Prioritize resources to the most urgent needs first.
Save the resources for when absolutely necessary.
Distribute the resources evenly to maintain balance.
Use resources for immediate gains and future advantages.

6. You're planning an assault on an enemy fortification. What role do you take?

Scout ahead and disable traps or enemies quietly.
Coordinate and support with healing or buffs from a safe distance.
Provide strategic support from the backline with spells or tactics.
Lead the frontline charge to inspire your troops.

7. How do you handle a moral dilemma where saving one person means risking many?

Safeguard the greater number of people no matter the personal bonds.
Seek a diplomatic solution to avoid the risk altogether.
Find a way to save both, even if it means taking a huge risk.
Save the one person if they hold significant importance to the mission.

8. Your party finds a mysterious cave that could contain treasure or great danger. What's your approach?

Scout the area thoroughly to avoid any surprises.
Set up a defensive position outside and proceed cautiously.
Enter the cave prepared for combat and potential threats.
Use magic to detect any traps or hidden dangers before advancing.

9. You are granted a wish by a powerful being, but the wish has limitations. What do you wish for?

Wealth and resources to support your goals.
Health and longevity for yourself and those you care about.
Knowledge and wisdom beyond any mortal.
Increased strength and combat abilities.

10. During a heated argument within the party, what is your reaction?

Stand firm on your position bravely, regardless of opposition.
Try to mediate and find a compromise acceptable to all.
Defuse the situation with humor and light-hearted comments.
Seek a logical solution to resolve the disagreement.

11. While traveling, you notice a fellow party member hiding something of value. What do you do?

Trust that they have a good reason and ignore it for now.
Watch them closely and gather more information.
Confront them directly and demand an explanation.
Consult another trusted party member about the situation.

12. Your party is faced with a puzzle that impedes progress. How do you contribute?

Use your knowledge of ancient lore to decipher it.
Find a way to bypass or break through the puzzle.
Provide support and encouragement while others solve it.
Attempt to solve the puzzle using logic and reasoning.