Which WoW Race Should You Play?


Created 6/27/2024



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Discover which World of Warcraft race you should play based on your personality and preferences. Find your perfect match and start your epic adventure!

Discover which World of Warcraft race you should play based on your personality and preferences. Find your perfect match and start your epic adventure!

1. What is your favorite type of work?

Office job
Manual labor
Creative Arts

2. How do you approach problem-solving?

Realistically and directly
With a sense of humor
Creatively and innovatively

3. Which setting appeals most to you?

Bustling cities
Mountains and nature
High-tech environments
Mystical forests

4. Do you enjoy social gatherings?

Yes, I love leading them
Yes, but only with close friends
No, I prefer smaller groups
Occasionally, but I don’t seek them out

5. What's your ideal hobby?

Leading groups or projects
Crafting and cooking
Experimenting with technology
Exploring and discovering new things

6. How would you describe your personal style?

Practical and efficient
Comfortable and functional
Distinctive and tech-savvy
Earthy and natural

7. How do you handle conflicts?

Strategically and diplomatically
With humor and resilience
With careful planning
With creativity and empathy

8. What kind of stories do you enjoy most?

Epic tales of heroism
Journies of self-discovery
Sci-fi adventures
Fantasy quests

9. What's your favorite kind of pet?

None, pets are too much work
Loyal and sturdy pets like dogs
Quirky and intelligent pets like parrots
Exotic and mystical pets like reptiles

10. What's your dream vacation?

Visiting historical cities
Going on a mountain retreat
Exploring a science museum
Camping in the wilderness