Which Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order Character Are You?


Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 7/24/2024



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Ever wondered which hero from Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order aligns with your combat style and decisions? Take this quiz to find out!

Ever wondered which hero from Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order aligns with your combat style and decisions? Take this quiz to find out!

1. When faced with a group of enemies, how do you prefer to engage?

Use stealth and tactics to overcome them strategically.
Use a combination of combat skills and the environment to gain the upper hand.
Rely on long-range attacks and avoid direct confrontation.
Charge in and take them head-on with full force.

2. Which Force ability do you find the most appealing?

Force Slow to control the pace of combat.
Force Push/Pull to manipulate enemies and objects.
Using advanced Force techniques and dark side abilities.
Force Healing to support myself and allies.

3. How do you handle moral dilemmas?

Always try to find a peaceful and just solution.
Do what benefits me the most in the long run.
Get the job done by any means necessary.
Seek counsel and make decisions based on collective wisdom.

4. What type of team member are you?

The supportive and trustworthy friend.
The leader who takes charge in any situation.
The clever strategist who plans everything meticulously.
The loner who prefers working independently but steps in when needed.

5. How do you approach learning new skills or techniques?

Learn only what's necessary to achieve my goals.
Take a hands-on approach and learn through experience.
Practice relentlessly to master every skill.
Seek knowledge from various sources and constantly adapt.

6. What motivates you the most in your journey?

Seeking redemption for past mistakes.
Fighting for justice and protecting others.
The pursuit of power and control.
Discovering and preserving knowledge.

7. How do you react to failure?

Reflect on the experience and learn from it to grow stronger.
Move on and focus on the next challenge.
Analyze what went wrong and try again with a new strategy.
Push harder and refuse to give up until I succeed.

8. Which of these qualities do you value most in a team?

Loyalty and trustworthiness.
Wisdom and experience.
Strength and determination.
Creativity and ingenuity.

9. How do you handle unforeseen obstacles?

Force my way through regardless of the cost.
Use my knowledge and resources to find a way around it.
Stay calm and devise a solution on the spot.
Rely on my instincts to navigate through.

10. If you found an ancient artifact of great power, what would you do?

Study it to understand its true potential.
Use it to the benefit of everyone.
Use it to achieve my personal goals.
Destroy it to prevent it from falling into the wrong hands.

11. How do you prefer to navigate through difficult terrains or environments?

Force my way through and deal with obstacles as they come.
Use my Force abilities to overcome obstacles.
Carefully and methodically search for the safest route.
Take cues from the environment and adapt accordingly.

12. Which of these statements best describes your approach to life?

Freedom and independence are key.
Survival and strength are the most important.
Life is a journey of discovery and learning.
Loyalty and friendships are what matter most.

13. How do you view the concept of the Force?

A mystical power that should be respected and revered.
An energy that exists but should not define me.
A connection to the past and a guiding force in life.
A tool that can be used to achieve my goals.