Which Married at First Sight Australia Participant Are You?

Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 8/7/2024



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Ever wondered which Married at First Sight Australia participant you resonate with the most? Answer these questions about your relationship dynamics, personal values, and conflict resolution styles to find out which participant you are!

Ever wondered which Married at First Sight Australia participant you resonate with the most? Answer these questions about your relationship dynamics, personal values, and conflict resolution styles to find out which participant you are!

1. How do you typically handle conflict in a relationship?

I tend to be quite fiery and passionate, standing up vehemently for my beliefs.
I try to find a balanced approach, resolving conflicts with a mix of communication and understanding.
I try to handle conflicts with empathy and grace, considering both sides.
I prefer to address conflicts directly and straightforwardly, not beating around the bush.

2. What is your idea of a perfect relationship?

A relationship where both partners maintain their independence and respect each other's space.
A relationship filled with emotional connection and mutual support.
A relationship built on stability, trust, and loyalty.
A relationship characterized by fun, adventure, and shared experiences.

3. What are your core values in a relationship?

Independence, self-respect, and personal growth.
Passion, loyalty, and strong convictions.
Honesty, integrity, and transparency.
Compassion, empathy, and emotional intelligence.

4. How do you show love and affection to your partner?

Through physical touch and intimacy.
By offering words of affirmation and encouragement.
By spending quality time and creating memorable experiences together.
Through acts of service and making thoughtful gestures.

5. What qualities do you prefer in a partner?

Someone who is empathetic and supportive.
Someone who is passionate and outspoken.
Someone who is confident and ambitious.
Someone who is fun-loving and adventurous.

6. How do you deal with stressful situations in a relationship?

I take some time to myself to reflect and process my emotions.
I confront the situation head-on and express my feelings clearly.
I seek support from my partner and work together to find a solution.
I keep calm and try to understand the root of the issue.

7. Which describes your approach to life?

I am adventurous and love trying new things.
I am optimistic and always look for the positive in every situation.
I am cautious and like to plan things carefully.
I am practical and focus on what is achievable and realistic.

8. How important is communication in your relationship?

Communication is important, but some things are better left unsaid.
It's important, but I also appreciate non-verbal expressions of love.
I value communication, but I think actions speak louder than words.
Extremely important; I believe in being open and honest at all times.

9. How do you express disagreement with your partner?

I hint at my feelings instead of directly confronting the issue.
I passionately debate my point of view.
I directly confront my partner and express my disagreement clearly.
I express myself calmly and try to discuss the disagreement rationally.

10. How do you handle your partner needing space?

I would struggle with it and prefer constant closeness.
I fully support it and believe everyone needs personal space.
I would feel offended and question the relationship.
I understand and try to give them space while staying connected.

11. What is your reaction to unexpected surprises in a relationship?

Surprises make me anxious; I prefer a predictable routine.
I appreciate them as long as they are positive.
I'm not a fan of surprises; I prefer knowing what to expect.
I love unexpected surprises and find them exciting.

12. How do you envision your future with a partner?

I see us supporting each other's careers and ambitions.
I imagine us going on countless adventures and living a fun-filled life.
I see us maintaining our independence while building a strong bond.
I envision building a family and a stable home together.

13. How do you prioritize your partner's needs in a relationship?

I believe in putting my partner's needs above my own.
I focus more on my own needs and expect my partner to do the same.
I prioritize my own needs but still consider my partner's feelings.
I try to balance my partner's needs with my own.

14. What type of social interactions do you prefer in a relationship?

I enjoy a mix of big events and intimate gatherings.
I prefer quiet time alone with my partner over socializing with others.
I prefer small, intimate gatherings with close friends.
I love big social events and being surrounded by lots of people.