Which EA Game Protagonist Are You?

Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 7/10/2024



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Ever wondered which hero from your favorite EA games you resemble the most? Take this quiz to find out whether you're more like a battle-hardened soldier, a daring racer, or even a mystical explorer!

Ever wondered which hero from your favorite EA games you resemble the most? Take this quiz to find out whether you're more like a battle-hardened soldier, a daring racer, or even a mystical explorer!

1. You come across an NPC that needs help defending their village from an impending attack. How do you respond?

Gather a team and organize the defense.
Assist selectively, focusing on key defenses.
Decline and continue on your quest.
Negotiate a truce with the attackers.

2. In a team-based game, what role do you usually prefer?

Tank, absorbing damage and protecting others.
DPS, dealing massive amounts of damage.
Leader, making strategic decisions.
Support, providing healing and buffs.

3. How do you usually react when encountering a game bug or glitch?

Try various troubleshooting methods yourself.
Look for workarounds online.
Report the bug immediately and restart the game.
Ignore it and hope it resolves itself.

4. Which of the following describes your gaming personality?

Casual and relaxed.
Creative and expressive.
Competitive and ambitious.
Strategic and calculated.

5. In open-world games, what excites you the most?

Completing main and side quests thoroughly.
Collecting rare items and achievements.
Exploring every corner of the map.
Engaging with the main storyline.

6. When selecting a character in a new game, what is your main priority?

Their unique abilities and skills.
Their backstory and personality.
Their appearance and customization options.
How they complement my team.

7. How do you handle difficult decisions in games?

Seek advice or research before deciding.
Choose the option that seems most fun or interesting.
Consider all pros and cons before making a move.
Follow your gut feeling.

8. What type of in-game challenges do you find most satisfying?

Mastering game mechanics.
Solving intricate puzzles.
Overcoming difficult bosses.
Completing complex missions.

9. If you could have one superpower in a game, what would it be?

Healing to support allies.
Super strength for battling enemies.
Invisibility for stealth missions.
Flight to explore vast areas.

10. When you face a formidable opponent, what is your strategy?

Evade and avoid confrontation if possible.
Analyze their weaknesses and strike strategically.
Try to outsmart them with traps and tricks.
Go all out with your most powerful attacks.

11. What kind of narrative appeals to you most in a game?

Mystery and suspenseful plots.
Character-driven and emotional journeys.
Dark and complex storylines.
Epic tales of heroism and adventure.

12. You find a powerful artifact in the game. What do you do?

Sell it for a profit.
Use it to its fullest potential.
Hide it to prevent misuse.
Research its origins and implications.

13. How do you prefer to experience a new game?

Play it according to a specific strategy or challenge.
Focus on beating it as quickly as possible.
Take your time exploring every detail.
Immerse yourself in the story and characters.

14. What motivates you to keep playing a game?

Achieving high scores and rankings.
Building and improving skills.
Uncovering all secrets and lore.
Socializing and playing with friends.

15. Which EA game genre do you find most appealing?

Role-playing games (RPG).
Action and adventure.
First-person shooters (FPS).
Sports simulations.