Will You Survive the Zombie Apocalypse?


Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 7/30/2024



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The end of the world is here, and zombies roam the streets. Do you have what it takes to make it through? Find out your chances in a zombie apocalypse with this quiz focused on your decision-making, resource management, and combat techniques.

The end of the world is here, and zombies roam the streets. Do you have what it takes to make it through? Find out your chances in a zombie apocalypse with this quiz focused on your decision-making, resource management, and combat techniques.

1. You find yourself surrounded by a horde of zombies. What do you do?

Find the nearest hiding spot and wait for the horde to pass.
Use a quieter melee weapon to quietly dispatch the closest zombies.
Create a diversion to lead the zombies away from you.
Take out your most powerful weapon and start fighting your way through.

2. You're low on food and water. How do you handle the situation?

Organize a group scavenging mission to find supplies.
Ration the remaining supplies carefully and plan for long-term survival.
Barter with other survivors for food and water.
Set out alone to find hidden resources.

3. You encounter an injured survivor. What's your first move?

Offer them food and water but don’t bring them into your group.
Interrogate them to ensure they're not a threat.
Provide first aid and bring them back to your group.
Leave them; your own safety comes first.

4. How do you fortify your shelter?

Build strong barricades and lay traps around the perimeter.
Camouflage the shelter to avoid attracting attention.
Ensure there's a stockpile of weapons and supplies inside.
Create multiple escape routes and ensure everyone knows them.

5. A group member has a different opinion on a crucial decision. How do you handle it?

Make the decision yourself and expect the group to follow.
Implement both ideas to see which one works better.
Vote to let the group decide.
Discuss until a consensus is reached.

6. How do you ensure a steady supply of fresh water?

Scout for natural water sources and collect rainwater.
Find and maintain a reliable trading partner for water.
Construct a water filtration system.
Stockpile as much bottled water as possible.

7. Zombies have breached your shelter. Who do you prioritize saving?

Save your most capable fighters.
Ensure everyone evacuates together.
Save yourself first and regroup later.
The children and elderly first.

8. You come across an operational vehicle. What do you do?

Use it as a mobile shelter for your group.
Set a trap around it to lure zombies away.
Strip it for parts and supplies.
Check if it’s in good condition and use it to travel.

9. You hear a gunshot in the distance. How do you respond?

Investigate cautiously to determine the threat.
Send a scout to check it out.
Gather your group and approach the area together.
Avoid the area completely to stay safe.

10. Your shelter’s defenses are failing. What's your next step?

Secretly prepare an escape route.
Plan an immediate evacuation.
Reinforce weak points immediately.
Set up traps and fallback points within the shelter.

11. You discover other survivors in a nearby building. What do you do?

Avoid them to keep your group safe.
Approach them with your best fighters.
Observe them from a distance to gauge their intentions.
Offer them food and invite them to join your group.

12. How do you handle a group member stealing supplies?

Confront them privately and seek an explanation.
Implement a stricter supply management system.
Make an example out of them to deter future thefts.
Ban them from the group.

13. A sudden storm hits. How do you protect your shelter and group?

Reinforce the shelter and gather everyone inside.
Check for damages and prepare for potential flooding.
Plan a temporary evacuation to a safer location.
Ensure all critical supplies are secured and kept dry.